
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday mish mash

 I'm absolutely NOT a morning person!  I'm a night owl, typically tucked into bed reading late into the night.  My early morning blog posts are usually written the night before and scheduled to post in the morning.  My punishment for going to bed early on Sunday night?  Being wide awake at 5:00 am on Monday morning.  Ugh!!

Too much coffee, and possibly not enough sleep - for me - leads to frantic and not necessarily productive activity.  And a mid-day crash in energy.  A little sewing happened, then some holiday baking, changed sheets on 2 guest beds, worked on Christmas cards, laundry,  and nothing actually was finished, except the laundry.  

I did pull out another RSC set of blocks to see how close I might be to having enough for a quilt.  The Windmill block set definitely needs more blocks.  There are 34 here, but since they are 7" blocks it wouldn't be nearly big enough to be useful.  It could benefit from a better distribution of color too.  This might be a good donation quilt, and one of the local groups would like twin size quilts.  So this will remain in my RSC plans for 2024.

After looking in the sewing room closet, I started making a list of the blocks I've been working on.  For 2024 it makes sense to finish up some of these block sets.  In a couple of cases, I think I will take the blocks hanging in the closet and add them to donation quilt tops waiting to be quilted, and make those tops larger.  An example is the Rainbow Connection.  

Sunday afternoon was a Quilt of Valor award. This veteran received his quilt at a big family celebration in Sioux Falls.  I took this photo of him with his wife and adult children.  This lovely quilt is one of the quilts our group received from the regional coordinator in Wisconsin.   


  1. Your day doesn't sound to bad since you still moved projects forward, and you did some planning for the future!

  2. It's never fun when your sleep schedule gets messed up. I'm an early riser, sleeping in makes me really dull all day. Still it seems like you made the best of it and got lots done on a number of fronts.

  3. Thank you for continuing to award veterans with a QOV. I know it’s a huge time commitment. You and your group are making a difference in the lives of veterans.

  4. Yeah for another Quilt of Valor presentation! :)


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