
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Do you remember?

 First of all today - Happy Birthday to my lovely younger daughter!!  This is the big 4-0!!  She is a wife, mom of 2 great kids, Occupational Therapist, yoga instructor, adaptive ski instructor, former roller derby skater, and more.  How did I get to be old enough to have kids in their 40s?  

This photo is from 2022 when the girls took me to a play - younger daughter on left side and older daughter in glasses on right side.  I have 2 really awesome daughters!!!!

Do you have special memories from Christmas, either growing up or more recently?

Our first Christmas as a married couple was in a small town in Iowa, where we were living at the time.  His family was in SD and mine was in MN.  I remember being really mad at my new husband for a couple of reasons - he wouldn't help decorate the Christmas tree we picked out and he tried to give me CASH to buy my own gift.  My best friend was horrified about the cash thing and took him shopping.  This little porcelain music box is what they chose. It's about 6" high and plays Jingle Bells when wound up.  I collected "mousy" items back then, so this was really special.  It comes out every year.

This year it's sitting in the kitchen.  I asked him the other evening if he remembered that first Christmas, and going shopping with my girlfriend.  Nope - he didn't remember ANY of it!  And BTW - he still doesn't help decorate the tree, but will carry the boxes upstairs for me.


  1. Happy birthday to younger daughter! They do grow up so fast don't they? My Guy doesn't help decorate the tree either. I miss Grad Girl. I would do the lights and she'd do the rest. Our most recent memorable Christmas was the one just before the pandemic. My Guy had heart surgery in October, but he had a complication that didn't show up till the Sunday before Christmas. He had to be readmitted to the hospital for additional surgery. We were told that he'd be in the hospital for Christmas. But late afternoon on Christmas Eve they decided he could go home. He was released just in time to make it home to change clothes and attend Christmas Eve Mass. It was the only the second time in our marriage that we weren't able to make it home to celebrate with my family for the holiday. It was the first time Grad Girl had ever had Christmas at home.

  2. My husband never buys me a Christmas present, I buy my own. His family has zilch holiday traditions.

  3. my husband grew up in a rotten home, he never really gets taking part in the family stuff. He sets the tree up for me and puts the lights on then leaves the room and leaves the rest to me. He is no good at buying presents either - he had one sibling he wasn't close to that he grew up with and a mother who was barely there and his father and family lived elsewhere - I grew up in a loving Catholic home in a family of 12 kids - totally different kind of life.

  4. Happy birthday to your daughter. I feel the same our oldest will turn 40 in January, how the heck did that happen!!!! That's a great photo you will treasure with your daughters.

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter, this year my girls were 51 and 48...make me feel old too:) Ah men...sounds like yours in very romantic also:)


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