
Saturday, December 16, 2023

RSC23 Week #50

Week #50 - I can hardly believe there are only 2 more weeks left in this year.  Back in May, I finished this quilt top.  It has been hanging in the closet waiting for it's turn to be quilted.  The block is Rainbow Connection and uses strings sewn together into rectangular sections.  Currently it's 55 x 66, as the blocks finish about 11", which is a strange size. 

During the summer and fall I've made more of the string sections but left the side triangles off until I decided what to do with them.  Well, I now have a plan.  I'm going to make the original flimsy large enough for a twin bed.  That is the size that the local Sleep In Heavenly Peace needs for the beds they build and deliver to kids.

There are 11 of the string sections hanging in the closet, and two partial ones.  A few more will be needed to make this twin sized.  I may add a narrow outer border around it all too, something bright and full of color.  I have plenty of strings just waiting in those overflowing scrap bins.  This could be a fairly quick finish for 2024.

One scrappy finish for this week - another of the Suitcase blocks.  This cherry print was a purchase some years ago in Door County Wisconsin.  It rained, sometimes horizontally, the entire 2 days we spent there, so shopping was about the only thing we did on that visit.

Check out more RSC23 fun . . .


  1. That string quilt will be a fun and bright donation quilt. Enjoy your stitching time this weekend. I'm not ready for the end of the year either!

  2. that is a good idea for strings - I have a photo of one for an idea on my wall

  3. I love your Rainbow Connection quilt top - such a pretty design! Do you piece the string sections on paper? The cherry fabric is perfect for Door County!

  4. I just love your use of strings in the first flimsy and the great use of color in both that flimsy and the suitcase block. You’re tempting me mightily with that pattern (that I have around here somewhere unless it was a victim of my pattern downsizing efforts a couple weeks ago). Have a great week, Sara!

  5. Horizontal rain is certainly a good excuse to go shopping.

  6. Love your rainbow connection blocks. They're so bright and cheerful and will be perfect to go with the twin builts made by she Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization.

  7. Wow the string sections makes an awesome colorful quilt!!


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