
Saturday, December 30, 2023

RSC23 - Week #52

One final scrappy report for 2023!!  I've had an awesome year playing with the scraps, no matter what the color of the month was.  And I'm very eager to see what part of the rainbow will pop up for the new year in January.  For me, 2024 will bring a mix of new projects and on-going projects.

One of the most fun blocks that I began making very late in 2023 is the Zipper block.  These use 2.5" squares and strips.  But it could certainly be done in other sizes, right?

There is a container full of 1.5" squares on my shelf too, so I dipped in and played with the Zipper block idea in miniature.  Pretty cute!  It's pinned onto the bulletin board for now.  I'll stick to the original size for RSC.  

There are only 4 of these Chaser blocks made so far, as it is also a new one I recently saw online.   It's kind of similar to the Zipper in how it's constructed using 2.5" squares and strips.  But the look of the quilt will be totally different.  


As I've been organizing and cleaning this week, the overwhelming "wealth" of scraps kept me thinking about how to use them more quickly.  Especially the small pieces.  This 8.5" Beads/Chandelier block became an experiment.  A scrap of muslin is the foundation under that 5" string section, but I think using the paper from an old phone book to cut foundations would work just as well or maybe better.

Having several different blocks to work on for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge keeps me from getting bored.  Some of my block choices are fast and easy, like all of these and other are more complicated.  But it's really fun to have the variety, and gradually the collections add up to make a whole quilt.  

Happy New Year!  Check out more rainbow fun . . .


  1. it does help to keep the boredom at bay doesn't it - I will be back to participating monthly again this coming year and look forward to it - this past year was all about finishes for me

  2. Very fun and colorful RSC projects for next year. I like the strippy Chandelier block That's a nice way to use up those smaller strips. Now that I'm cutting my scraps, I need to do a better job of using them up too. You've definitely given me some thoughts on how to go about that.

  3. You do choose lovely block arrangements to work on Sara. There are so many, I easily get overwhelmed with the choosing. Happy happy stitching in 2024!

  4. I love all your blocks because I’ve either done them myself or seriously considered them! I believe Lynn Dykstra’s original Zip Block free pattern was written for 2” strips, but I love how you’ve experimented with size differences! Sewing the Zip and Chaser blocks for me helped whittle down my 2 and 2 ½” strips (but they multiply in the dark, don’t they?). I may add the String Chandelier block to my repertoire in 2024 too! Have a Happy New Year, Sara!,

  5. That last block is real pretty! Happy New Year!

  6. I like the way you have your zipper blocks laid out a little offset from each other! I made 30 of those this year, so have more to make, but will remember that layout. The chandelier block with a string center is a fun idea, too! I don't think we'll ever run out of RSC block ideas!

  7. Great plans for the new RSC year, and I'm sure you'll be showing off some spectacular quilts next year as well. Love the zipper blocks and can't wait to see what you do with the chandeliers. Happy 2024!


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