
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Year End reflections

 One more year in the rear view mirror and OMG it went by so quickly!!  This week it was again interesting to go back through the blog and my spreadsheet to see what I actually finished in 2023.  And to plan for lots of fun, colorful sewing in 2024.

I'm a list maker, and have a love affair with spreadsheets.  For several years I've maintained a project spreadsheet that tracks blocks, finished projects, and UFO/WIP/PIG projects all in one place.  I love being able to check something off as finished, but also don't mind going "off-list" and working on new things.  Looking at the totals automatically generated by my spreadsheet, I've come to the conclusion that 2023 was the Year of the Mug Rug.  LOL

The APQ UFO Challenge (online) and the PHD Challenge (local quilt shop) are both parts of the spreadsheet. APQ announced they would NOT be drawing monthly numbers this year for their challenge, instead having people choose their own monthly number/project.  I've chosen to just begin with #1 in January.  The asterisk identifies the PHD (Projects Half Done) priority.  

My PIG (basically something not started yet) project for January will be a Quick Strippee kid quilt.  There are 2 kits carrying over from 2023, and one new one I just kitted up this week.  I'll choose one of them.  

And I plan to continue with Quilt of Valor sewing in some form each month too.   


  1. you had a good year - even with the hip replacement surgery - bet you feel better now. Happy New Year

  2. Wow! Congrats on a very successful 2023! I track my projects and stitching goals via Excel as well. It's so fun to check off and move completed UFOs off one spreadsheet to the next. Wishing you an equally productive 2024!

  3. You had so many finishes! Good for you!


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