
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Celebrating our family Christmas

We did finally manage to have our family Christmas, on New Year's Day.  It was a fun and relaxing day for us all.  Our older daughter was on call at the hospital and was called in for the morning. But she was back home by noon.  We hadn't planned on the big meal until supper time so it worked out just fine.  Our other daughter's husband had to work in the morning too, but he joined us by noon as well.  

There was a hot chocolate bar ready for some indulgence. Hot cocoa, whipped cream, sprinkles, marshmallows - yum!!!

Even the boys got into the cookie decorating station.  That frosting was applied pretty thick along with lots of sprinkles.  They each got to take home the ones they decorated.

They got to eat their decorated cookies too. 

While Darin got a fire started in the fireplace, Grandpa joined a couple of the kids playing Exploding Kittens - a silly card game.  I played Poetry For Neanderthals with the other kids.  

Our whole family likes seafood, so we've had a tradition now of a big seafood feast for our Christmas dinner.  All the kids ate breaded shrimp along with homemade mac and cheese.  I think they all at least tasted the crab, but a couple of them ate a lot of crab too.  This year we had King crab, Snow crab, and Dungeness crab - 12 pounds steamed in total.  Plus we had bread, some shrimp cocktail, and shrimp spring rolls.  I made a cheesecake for dessert, and we had apple and pumpkin pie too. Yum!!!!

I took a LOT of static early in the day . . . because I did not make deviled eggs.  I offered to make them there, but they let me off the hook - this time.  Hey I did make the wreath shaped spritz cookies, and that is a yearly requirement for Christmas. 

The fireplace kept everyone cozy all day.  The dogs were exhausted by the time we all left - probably tired from all the petting they got.  

Laura & Jamie, with Sophia & Jack . . .

Darin & Jerilyn, with Olivia, Mason, and Jonah . . . and the 3 dogs - Samson, Newt, Ginger. 


  1. glad you finally had your xmas it is hard to get everyone together and then with the weather you had! Crab legs sounds like a good tradition to have

  2. What a wonderful day with your beautiful family.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Sharon M

  3. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

  4. What great family fun, your Grands are growing up so fast!

  5. Sounds like a fabulous day, complete with yummy food!

  6. Looks like a fun family Christmas. Glad you finally got to celebrate.

  7. wow i think i want to spend christmas with you! all that luscious seafood and cookies and games? oh my!


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