
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Getting a good start on the new year

 Bonnie Hunter surprised everyone with a New Year's Day posting of Clue #7.  It included the new center Hourglass unit, and then this block layout using some of the other clues.

On Tuesday morning I made one of the Hourglass units, and then put it into a block.  

By Wednesday noon there were 8 of these blocks.  I like how this is coming together so far.  Enough parts for a couple more Hourglass units are cut, but may not be needed, depending on the final layout.

The 2023 Saturday Sampler received some attention next.  After lots of thinking, I decided to remake the one block that I didn't like.  I replaced everything except the background and the aqua pieces.  These colors are playing better with the rest of the blocks. 

 I was really pleased with myself yesterday because I got the center of this all assembled.  Then I layed it out on the floor and saw my mistake.  That whole bottom row is on upside down. The spools need to be on the left side under the needle and hanger.  Good thing I have a seam ripper handy.

One row has been sewn together for the 4-Square Star Quilt of Valor.  The sashing and cornerstones are cut, and this should come together quickly in between other projects. 

There was a bit of playing with some green strings for RSC, and more of the orphan QOV parts and pieces have become blocks.  More on all that another day.

A couple of non-sewing things have happened too - packing away all the Christmas stockings and hangers, and organizing the 2023 receipts in preparation for getting our taxes done.  The Christmas tree will come down later this week.  Some laundry and some grocery shopping is on the agenda too.


  1. Your Clue #7 blocks turned out beautifully. I'm way behind on those, but hope to do a bit of catch up tonight. The Saturday Sampler looks really cool, sorry you have to un-stitch a bit, but glad you caught it before the borders went on.

  2. Pretty star blocks! I don’t participate in BH’s mysteries, but I love the direction this one is going.

  3. Your Saturday Sampler looks great, the new square fits in well!


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