
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Day 7 - small projects

The kids had another full day of school again on Wednesday. Yay!!  My day included a couple of small projects.  This was a really small project, but it is totally finished. That is a win in my book. 

The kit for this 10” square pouch was a gift certificate purchase. Everything needed except batting was in the kit along with the simple instructions. Back home in my sewing room I know there are a couple of cute zipper pulls to add a bit of pizzazz. 

The pouch is fully lined.  

The other small project was finishing the binding on this scrappy kid-sized quilt. This is the second one using this pattern that I call Framed Friendship Squares.

Barring any cancelled flights, my daughter and SIL should be home after midnight tonight.  I know one 8 year old who really misses his mom and dad.  


  1. Congrats on both finishes! Fingers crossed there are no travel issues for your daughter and SIL. It's been warmer here, but we go back to the frigid (for us) temps tonight.

  2. yes I bet the kids are missing their mom and dad and you are missing your home. Do you have far to drive home when it is time for you to take off?

  3. Two nice finishes, Sara. Hope the travelers make it back on time.

  4. Nice projects, hope your kids get home safely from their trip:)


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