
Friday, January 19, 2024

Winter, winter, winter

 I'm so OVER the bitter cold, snowy, grey weather!!  Usually I don't mind winter, but must admit that we were so spoiled with the mild early winter that this last 2 weeks seem even worse than it probably is.  Thursday saw more snow falling, and wind causing a winter weather advisory through this morning. Sigh!!

Three inches of fresh powdery snow fell - before Thursday school was dismissed early, at 1:45.  The streets were a mess with all that new snow.  When it's just me I'm not a nervous driver, but when I have my grandkids with me I feel the stress. 

The plan is to drive home today, but we'll see if that is a possibility.  It's about 90 miles, mostly interstate, but with blowing snow I'll have to see how the road conditions are. 


  1. I'm so with you on being tired of this January weather. We don't have the snow, but the cold is just not fun. Sounds like your daughter and SIL made it home. Hopefully it's safe enough for you to drive home. Safe travels.

  2. oh no even more snow - if you drive today be safe 90 miles on interstate in that doesn't sound fun

  3. Be safe and do let us know when you arrive home!

  4. we have had only a week of winter--cold wind and snow--but i'm over it too...i feel your pain. travel safe


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