
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Christmas tree skirt is finished

 I can check another finish off my UFO list.

My first Bargello project ever - this Christmas tree skirt - is all finished.  It was a kit.  Originally I had planned to buy just the pattern, but there is no way I could have chosen better fabrics myself.  I sewed the top for the skirt at the retreat back in late February.  I admit that I was very intimidated by this project, expecting it to be quite difficult.  Keeping the strips in the right order was the tricky part for me, but labeling them helped a lot. So it really wasn't that hard if I stayed organized.

The large corners that were trimmed off before binding were just too pretty to toss into the trash.  The backing fabric is so pretty, and the quilting extended into these corners.  So I sandwiched these ovals with Insulbrite and some green backing left over from another project - and voila!!  4 more hot pads. 

Hopefully the tree skirt won't be the last Bargello project for me.  This kit has been buried in my sewing room for far too long.  Guess where it had been hiding?  Yes - that Big Grey Tote!!!  Now it's back on my project radar and not going back into hiding.   


  1. The tree skirt turned out beautifully! You are finding all kinds of things in that tote! How empty is it now?

  2. Good use of the corners for hot pads! The tree skirt is fabulous and wow that kit for another Bargello, are you putting that on your radar for this year?

  3. nice tree skirt and hot pads....i made a bargello once, but not having a large enough design wall was a hindrance so it was my last...nice kit for the next!


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