
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

To Do list

 Most of the time, now that I'm semi-retired, my mornings begin with coffee and my laptop, reading my favorite quilt blogs - no negative world or local news allowed - and watching the birds at the feeder outside my home office window. It's a nice quiet time for reflection, and planning.  Yesterday there was a blizzard going on outside those windows, but the birds were still visiting the feeder.

This photo isn't a good one - zoomed in with my phone, through a window.  But there was a pair of cardinals visiting.  Usually they show up separately at the feeder.  But yesterday they hung out together for quite a while, swinging along on the feeder and the tree branch while that blizzard wind blew.  

And while reading blogs yesterday I saw a wonderful item on a To Do list on one of those blogs that I think needs to be on my list . . . 

Isn't that a wonderful To Do list item?  I'm going to adopt this one for my own.

This will be a short week in my sewing room as I plan to be away Wednesday through Friday, so there isn't much need for a To Do list.  But I've made a short one anyway.

  • Organize & prep pattern/supplies for Olivia's costume
  • Finish binding the Christmas tree skirt
  • Cut and organize more scraps - and maybe sew some blocks from the scraps
  • Binding on 2 or more hot pads
  • Look for fabric to use in a graduation quilt
  • And . . . Whatever suits my fancy!!  


  1. Have a wonderful time while you're away! I'm very list oriented but sometimes I do what suits my fancy and take an afternoon to browse quilt books. The problem with that is I always end up with more quilts to make on the someday list!

  2. Cardinals are such pretty birds. Hope the blizzard doesn't affect your travel plans. Good luck with your to do list and hope you find lots of fun things that suit your fancy.

  3. Cardinals photograph best with snow!!! We've been having snow here in the Twin Cities for a couple of days, too, and I've been admiring the cardinals here, as well. I love that--whatever suits my fancy! Best wishes for your time away!


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