
Monday, March 25, 2024

Design Wall Monday - March 25

 Today is my 47th wedding anniversary, which means that yesterday was my 70th birthday. Where did the years go?  I've been having a hard time with that large number looming. 

Pretty flowers do help . . .

And more pretty flowers!! 

What's on the design wall this week?  Well, I'm trying to check off some small tasks from my To Do list, as well as playing with some fun things.

The bias binding has been prepped for my Bargello Christmas tree skirt.  The kit came with a red star print for binding, but it is just too pretty to cut into narrow strips.  So I bought a red that looks like it was part of this fabric line - with a subtle stripe and gold metallic flecks just like all the other prints in the tree skirt.  I'll save that red star print for a future project where it can be seen. 

The backing on the tree skirt kit was also almost too pretty to use for a back where it will never be seen, but I did use it.  However - when I trimmed around the tree skirt I was left with big corners that were quilted.  I have a plan for those sections as well.  Stay tuned!

Some small projects need some quilting, and that is another task that I've been putting off.  I'm hoping to get something else accomplished yet this week.


  1. Happy anniversary! Yes, those birthday years are adding up, how can that be? How can it be that our oldest child is almost 50! The Christmas fabric is very pretty, have fun with the project!

  2. Happy wedding anniversary and Happy belated birthday! Remember; don't look at the number, you are as young as you feel! :) Pretty flowers. I'm sure you'll come up with something for that pretty fabric.

  3. Happy birthday! Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your celebrations this week.

  4. Happy Anniversary for me this year in June it will be 52 years - where did the years go it doesn't really seem that long

  5. plenty to celebrate including turning 70! it is just a number....we yankees just keep on doing what we always do and ignore the numbers...i just sew a little faster is

  6. Wonderful, two celebrations back to back! I hope you have a great birthday.

  7. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! Pretty flowers! Your tree skirt looks lovely, too, and so nice that you are almost finished with it and it's just March. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those extra quilted pieces.

  8. Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day! Happy Anniversary too! Your Christmas Tree skirt is very pretty...almost reversible with that pretty print on the back! Your flowers are lovely too!

  9. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! It's always fun to mark a task as done no matter how large or small! Well done!

  10. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday, both are wonderful accomplishments!!! I have 4 years until that big number hits me, I might struggle with that.

  11. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! I like the binding you chose. And the back of the Christmas tree skirt is so pretty.....maybe it can be reversible.
    Thanks for showing us your pretty flowers too. Hugs, Judy


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