
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Another finish & more organizing

Winter has returned, for the first time since mid-January. Bummer!  One forecast said we'll get over 20" of snow today and tomorrow, and another forecast says 6-8" of snow.  Guess we'll see what happens.  The plan for today was to get together with my daughter and granddaughter to work on Olivia's costume for her school musical.  We'll do some measuring via FaceTime instead.  

The binding is all done on another UFO quilt.  This is an Ohio Star quilt that was made a couple of years ago.  It’s scrappy, with white stars and colorful backgrounds.  There is another similar one still waiting to be quilted, with the blocks reversed - white backgrounds and colorful stars.  This will most likely be a donation quilt. 

Some progress has been made towards emptying that annoying tote full of "stuff" back in February, but it's not even close to empty yet. 

Mug rugs have been made using 5 of the Farmer's Wife 30s blocks I found in the "Big Grey Tote".  There were 7 blocks, but those last 2 had a very definite baby vibe to them, so they are in the 30s scrap basket waiting to be used for something - someday.  But these 5 made good mug rugs.

Two one-gallon zip lock bags of scraps from the Big Grey Tote have been "managed". Maybe that will be my key to dealing with those scraps - one small bag at a time.  Big chunks were ironed, folded neatly and placed into the appropriate stash drawer.  Most of it was smaller pieces and those have all been cut into my favorite size squares or rectangles. 

A lot of them are now small bricks - 2.5 x 4.5”.  I’ve been using that size in the scrappy Potato Chip blocks and in the Small Hearts.  All of the squares and rectangles are now in the appropriate bins.

I sewed some mug rugs and a couple of hot pads with scraps from those bags too.  The taco hot pads are kind of fun. These still need to be quilted and bound.  I had to buy more Insulbrite on Friday to put inside the hot pads. 

The churn dash block used up a piece of fabric with chocolate chip cookies on it.  A couple of little bricks were also cut with the remainder.  It might become a hot pad too but for now it's pinned to my bulletin board.  And finally a couple of random Zipper blocks came about using strips I found in one of the bags.  The really light colored Zipper block might stand out like a sore thumb with the others already made.  Hmmm . . .  And I saved a couple of the other strips to play with a totally different block idea I recently saw on Pinterest. More on that some other day. LOL  

Those gallon size bags are now empty and everything in them is either used, put away or thrown away.  Maybe every week I should scoop more loose scraps out of the bottom of the "Big Grey Tote" and put them into a zip lock bag and just work my way through it during the week - a much less overwhelming quantity to look at. 


  1. Congrats on the Ohio Star finish. It turned out beautifully! You've been so dedicated to addressing the grey tote. Every little bit helps. Now that I've dealt with my deadline projects, I'm going to get back to dealing with the scraps and sewing room clean up too.

  2. sorry more cold snow for you - when will it end, here too might get cold by Tuesday and rain too tomorrow - all your blocks are looking great.

  3. Another idea for the 2.5”x4.5” bricks is this pattern: I’m working on a QOV using red and blue bricks.

  4. Congrats on the finish! Love the Ohio Star blocks and your quilt turned out so pretty. Great blocks too, using up those small pieces. More snow?! BRRR!!! Hope you didn't get as much as predicted!

  5. Holee cow - you made the best use of a Snow day!! I am impressed!
    Your ohio star quilt is beautiful - but the churns with the food - LOVE them!!!


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