
Saturday, March 23, 2024

RSC24 - week #12

 Some of my purple sewing this week has been planned and some has actually been spontaneous.  Without any work hours scheduled the past 2 weeks, I've gotten a lot of sewing time in and feel like I've accomplished a lot.

The spontaneous purple was this binding, cut from yardage found in my stash.  And it works so well with the purple elephants in that Laurel Burch border fabric. 

There was a lot of sewing this week as I didn't have any work hours scheduled.  Much of the planned sewing included purple.  Three more of the 16-patch Churn Dash blocks were sewn - 1 each of purple, green, and red.

While at the retreat in February, I made a big bunch of the 16-patch sections in many different colors.  They are collected in a bag clipped onto the back of the hanger with the completed blocks.  So, now each month as a new color is announced I can add them to the center of a churn dash block.  And I'll keep going back and making the previous month colors too.  I think I've used up the purple 16-patch sections now, but I see a couple more green and red ones waiting.  And there are orange, aqua, yellow, and pink in that bag. 

Last Saturday morning I saw the cat blocks on Treadlestitches blog in her RSC post.  Her kitties were so cute, and I just HAD to make a few.  OK - a few has turned into 16 of them so far. LOL  The first 4 I made were purple.  This is literally a 5 minute block!  I love them!

The next few can be described as multi-colored.  Maybe those are calico cats.  Here are a few of those multi-colored kitties.

One more purple cat appeared later in the week - made from some older batik from a Minnesota shop hop.  He's pretty cute too, but I still wasn't done.

I went back to January's color and made some green kitties too.  Now I need some red ones.  Thank you Sylvia at Treadlestitches for the fun inspiration this week. 

I've been keeping 5" squares of phone book pages next to my machine for string blocks.  A lighter purple version has now joined the collection.  These are basically just the Beads or Chandelier block, but with a string block center.  

I've now made new purple blocks to add to almost all of my current RSC projects, but there are a couple yet to add to the mix.  That will be on my list for next week.  If the weather cooperates, I'm headed to Minneapolis for a couple of days to attend a play with my cousin. I'm so looking forward to that.   

Let's check out more Rainbow fun . . .


  1. You've definitely got some pretty purples in your stash. Love all the kitty blocks, that's going to be another fun quilt. Hope you get to go on your trip to see the play. It's supposed to be wet here, but we probably won't see snow again till next winter.

  2. I love those churn dash blocks - that 16 patch center really changes the look - I will need to keep that in mind if I come across a block that needs a center square

  3. I almost started making some of those kitty blocks the other day, and then stopped myself and made string blocks instead. Now you've got me wanting to make them again! The struggle is real, lol! Your 16 patch churn dashes are really pretty. Have fun in Minneapolis!

  4. Purple elephants are adorable and purple cats are so snazzy. But all of your cat blocks are snazzy. Oh, I just realized that you used the string blocks to make the chandelier blocks. Very cool!!! Have fun with your cousin.

  5. So many great purple projects. The cats are adorable. The churn dash block usually seems boring to me, but your version with the 16-patch centers are lovely.

  6. Love the cats and the string blocks, funny how we promise to stop after a couple and before we know it we have enough for a quilt.
    Beautiful projects.

  7. You've done a lot this week, Sara! Love all your blocks, especially the cat blocks. I'd love to make them too, but this year I have way too many projects and UFOs.

  8. You definitely have your purple blocks under control and you deserve a treat -- enjoy that play and cousin-time! Sweet kitty blocks.


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