
Friday, April 12, 2024

Decluttering update

 I jumped on board a Decluttering challenge in the last few weeks, thanks to Joy at Joyful Quilting, and feel a little lighter for participating.  A little lighter - but with a very LONG way to go around this big house yet for it to be very noticeable. 

The challenge is to remove 100 items in 100 days - to donate or giveaway, or to trash.  And this week I've surpassed that 100 number easily thanks to my husband.  Last week I removed almost 20 clothing items from my closet, and donated them. And on Wednesday morning he asked if he should go through his shirts to donate the ones he no longer wore. Yes!!  An hour later there were 20 shirts (golf and dress) and 20 empty hangers laying on the bed.  Plus 9 pair of dress pants, 6 pair golf shorts, 1 suit and 1 sport coat.  He was ruthless.  But trust me, he has plenty of things to wear still in the closet.

See the rocking chair?  This is in my home office.  Earlier this week that chair was about 8" deep with stuff I was too lazy to deal with.  Magazines, junk mail, a ream of paper, and tons of paperwork - some needed to be filed, some needed to be shredded, some needed to be put away, and some just needed to go into the recycling bin.  Those work project binders will gradually disappear too, as I'm working fewer hours now.  I'll keep working gradually on cleaning out that office bookcase.

Our community clean-up day is next week, when you can place large items out on the curb to be picked up on your regular garbage/recycling day.  People drive around town and "shop" the curbs so sometimes your stuff disappears even before it's picked up.  We've identified a couple of larger items in the basement that will be put out on the curb next week.

My daughters will thank me for everything we get rid of. They should thank Joy too.  LOL


  1. I so need to do the same. I started bagging up some things last year and put the bags on the floor of the closet as I wasn't done and they are still sitting there!! I have so much more to bag up now that I know what I wore in the winter and what I didn't - I can already tell what I am wearing now as the weather warms up and need to bag up more - I just can't get in the mood to do it!!

  2. Yes after I get through all my Mom's stuff I m going to declutter here too, some days I am so angry she left so much stuff. Way to go on your progress your daughters will be happy:)


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