
Saturday, April 13, 2024

RSC24 - Week #15

Don't you love when a plan comes together?  

Night Vision is a new-to-me block that I just began making this year for RSC.  I saw a picture online of this one and just HAD to add it to my plans for the year.  It's really just Flying Geese rotating around a center square.  This week I added the 3 new yellow blocks to the mix, and couldn't resist a sample layout.  Look what happens when they are layed out together!  I'm so excited about this one!  The more colors are added, the more interesting this will look I think.  The bonus triangles trimmed from goose corners have become Pinwheels. They are only 4.5" square unfinished - and I have no firm plan yet for them.  However, they might end up in an outer border for Night Vision.  Some ideas are percolating.

A UFO was finished - with yellow binding.  This is Twinkle Star, an RSC set of blocks from previous years.  This is one of my favorite star blocks to make, so I know there will be another one of these in my future.  It's so cheerful. 

There was a lot more yellow happening this week. 

String Beads were made. I've been keeping a stack of phone book page paper cut in 5" squares next to my machine. As I've been sewing lately I've worked on the string sections as Leaders/Enders.  There are still a couple more yellow string squares plus some other colors too that are ready for the framing strips.  I'm using scrappy neutrals for the frames, in creams, tans and whites.

I totally enjoyed some extended sewing time this week, and had a lot of fun with yellow.  Kitty blocks, 16-patch churn dash, Dutchman's Puzzle, Zippers, and Spinners were all sewn and added to their respective collections.  

Even the mini quilt I made this week had a lot of yellow.  
Check out more RSC projects going on around the country. 


  1. I love the quilt in the second photo - so colorful!

  2. WOW! So many great things happening in your world with all the wonderful projects. Love the names for all the blocks and the butterfly mini.

  3. The Night Vision blocks make a fun layout - love those secondary patterns that show up when you put them together! Great finish on your Twinkle Stars, too. It really is cheerful! And your butterfly mini is so pretty. You accomplished a lot this week!

  4. So many lovely projects!

  5. You have been busy sewing with yellow! I really like your mini butterfly quilt!

  6. You have a lot going on in your sewing room. The butterflies are so pretty.

  7. WOW! Look at you go! Your Star finish is gorgeous and I can see why you'll do another. Night Vision is going to be awesome too! The butterflies in the mini quilt are sweet. Did you make up the pattern or is there one to purchase? Of course you have my heart with the kitty blocks!!!


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