
Saturday, April 6, 2024

RSC24 - Week #14 and we have YELLOW

The very first bit of yellow that happened this week was prepping yellow binding for Twinkle Stars, a UFO quilt that I had just picked up from the quilter.  And since I had that yellow yardage out, I also made a Kitty block, then a Zipper, and some Loose Goose blocks.  I'm about half way around the quilt, hand stitching the binding. 

A couple more Zipper blocks were made later in the week using some scraps and a couple of random jelly roll strips.  Only 1 of the strips was actually yellow, but the orange strip was right there too, so . . . it just sort of happened. LOL  Actually there is a whole little bundle of random jelly roll strips in various colors just waiting to become something.

There are 4 of the 16-patch units in yellow, and one of them has now been set into the center of a churn dash block.  Maybe the other 3 will happen next week.

A couple of the fabric pieces from the grey tote were just ideal for more kitty blocks.  That yellow dot must have been something I bought a lot of at some point because there is another chunk of it in the yellow stash drawer.  I added 2 more of the small Loose Goose blocks, and cut a couple of 2.5 x 4.5 bricks for the little box full of bricks. 

Later in the week I took a much needed break from costume design, and made 3 more of the kitty blocks.  The yellow print was in the scrap bin, but the purple print and the grey multi-color print were both found in the dreaded tote.  There is actually about a half yard of that multi-color left, but it has been folded neatly and added to the stash in the appropriate drawer.  One chunk of forgotten fabric at a time, and eventually the "Big Grey Tote" will be empty.  That's my goal.

Isn't it fun to start playing with a new color?  Check out more Rainbow fun . . .


  1. I haven't made a churn dash block in forever, I like the way it looks with the patchwork in the middle

  2. Very fun blocks. The kitty blocks are really cute, you've used some really great fabrics.

  3. Lots of fun yellow sewing going on at your house, Sarah! I love those cats - in any color. I think I remember that you're making them from the Missouri Star tutorial - are you starting with 10 inch squares?

  4. ohhh hLOVE all your Yellows and the yellow cat - so purrrrfect!!
    yay for working thru that Big Grey tote !!

  5. All your yellow blocks are so cheerful! I was thinking about making cats for RSC2024...yours are really cute.

  6. What a good start on yellow month, Sara!!

  7. Yellow is so cheerful! But that dark pink cat rocks!

  8. The 4 x 4 looks great as the churn dash center. But oh, those cats! I'm a sucker for that pattern. I particularly loved the magenta one. Wouldn't it be fun to have a cat that color?


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