
Sunday, April 7, 2024

A weekend update

 Sunday already and it does feel like spring has finally arrived.  Saturday was sunshine and blue skies - and 40 mph wind. Yup - it's spring on the prairie!

First of all, the dog suit for my granddaughter is ready to be picked up by her mom later today. I would have delivered it, but my daughter is coming through here this afternoon so it saves me some miles.  Although it would have been a good excuse to see the grandkids.  I just hope I added enough length to the torso because nearly every scrap of that brown plush is used up now. Picture my granddaughter on her hands and knees in this.

The musical her school is doing is Beauty and the Beast, and she's the dog that turns into an ottoman. The cushion is done too and will sit on her back, attached with Velcro.  Now, hopefully her play director will like it.  

On the decluttering front this week, I took some things to guild yesterday to giveaway, and it was all snapped up - 4 books and some fabric.  And I cleared off a closet shelf of miscellaneous vases and decorator stuff that filled a small box and will go to Goodwill tomorrow along with some spring jackets.  It feels so good to look at that half empty shelf space. I really need to tackle the kitchen cabinets next. 

Now that the costume sewing is done (hopefully) I spent part of yesterday afternoon playing with a small paper-pieced kit.  The kit even included little stickers to label the pieces as I cut them.  I began with the yellow section of this project in honor of RSC.  LOL

And I worked on binding for 2 projects.  The pink is for the Easter door hanger, and the purple is for the elephant quilt.  It will be nice to have these ready when the projects are quilted.  


  1. I think the director should be pleased that your granddaughter has a grandmother who sews so she (the director) didn't have to come up with the costume! It's always feels good to declutter and rehome stuff. Happy stitching!

  2. The costume looks really cute and like it was a lot of work! Enjoy your sewing room time today.

  3. I assume you will be going to the musical and snatch some cute pix?

  4. Awesome productivity! I think I might have needed a lot of breaks between sewing on that costume, too. On second thought, I probably wouldn't have agreed to make the costume, at all!!! You were very kind to give up quilting time for costume making, Sara.

  5. The costume will be adorable! You are so talented!!


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