
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Better Together/Love Birds is finished

This took me WAY too long to finish!  

It's only about 22 x 34 and was from the Missouri Star Cupid Box for 2024.  I got the flimsy done fairly quickly, but was determined to quilt it myself.  That was the problem because I just kept pushing it aside to work on other things.  Until this week when I finally just focused on getting it done.

Next February this wall hanging will be hung in the living room on the rail below a shelf. 

Yesterday we had rain, which is greatly appreciated.  I looked out and noticed the rain drops on the bird feeder looked just like little diamonds.  And look how green the grass has turned this week!  In this part of the country we never know if spring is here to stay in mid-April.  Late April snow storms are not unheard of around here.  


  1. Your little bird quilt is so cute! It will be so nice to use the new quilt next year. Happy stitching!

  2. What a cute wall hanging, and how nice to have a finished object. As I type this a short, intense rainfall just zipped through. (Note to self: time to get the lawn mower tuned up!) It's been a tremendous spring for daffodils here--for you, too?

  3. It might have taken a while to finish, but forget that and just think how happy you will be next year when you hang it up! It really is very sweet. We got rain yesterday too, much needed as not much snow this winter.

  4. Cute!! and look at you being all ready for the next year ;-)

  5. That is a pretty finish! Does the bird feeder keep the squirrels out?

  6. We have had snow in April, but it’s not a usual event. Love the Love Birds!!! So sweet.


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