
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

To Do Tuesday

The first thing on today's To Do list is to finish some cleaning in my sewing room that I started Monday afternoon.  And hopefully tomorrow I'll have a UFO project finish to show too.

These 2 plastic containers are now in the next box going to Goodwill.  The yellow one held all kinds of notions, with a tray on top for little things.  The green one was a thread caddy.  They were taking up valuable space on a shelf in my sewing room and not being used.  Gone!!

Once I get the rug vacuumed in my sewing room, then I can bring back in my comfy chair.  It had been stacked high with leftover batting pieces.  I'm going through that batting, folding neatly, and pinning a tag to each piece with the size listed.  That way when I need batting for a small project I can easily choose one that is just the right size without unfolding several.

The 12.5" blocks for month 1 of Saturday Sampler are all done.  These are pretty boring - just big half square triangles.  There are 8 of these total.  The blocks for the rest of the months are much more interesting - lots of stars and churn dashes in bright colors.

I've been doing the Riley Blake Design block challenge again this year, with my blocks all coming from the 30s fabrics I love.  There will be 16 blocks posted for this year, but I've decided to make extras in order to have a larger quilt in the end.  I've gone back into the previous years' patterns and chosen a couple of favorites to use along with the 2024 blocks. 

I'm really liking the second one of the extra blocks.  This week we'll get RBD24 block #12.


  1. I love the Pop Star! Great color choices! I have been getting rid of things too. :-)

  2. Yeah for the cleaning and clearing out of "stuff in your sewing room. I am one who just makes piles. And like you have lots of projects going at the same time. I love just making a block a month or week or whatever. I have never done Riley Blake's but have done Moda Blockheads many times.

  3. You really have some pretty 30's fabrics. Liking that pop star!

  4. The last block is awesome those colors are perfect together!

  5. just about finished cleaning out my mom's apartment...going home with new eyes about what's getting kept and what's going...


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