
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Planning ahead

 Wednesday was a busy day with minimal time in my sewing room.  I used what time I had to do some prepping for more sewing.

Block #14 for the Riley Blake challenge was posted.  The parts and pieces are now cut, and I'm hoping to get this block made today when I get home from my dentist appointment.  I've kept up so far. There are just 3 blocks to go. 

Possible fabric plans have been floating around my head for the Villa Rosa patterns that I won in their recent blog hop.  The Ebb Tide pattern uses fairly large pieces of fabric so it would be great for a bigger print that you don't want to cut small and lose the design.  This cute lion print that was in my stash came to mind right away.  I'm going to see what else might work with it. For now the pattern is tucked in with the fabric.  

I cut the parts needed to turn this 16-patch unit into a churn dash, like the red one. Back in February at a retreat I made a bunch of the 16-patch units in various colors.  The pink ones have been finished this month, and the yellow ones in April.  I've been going back to finish up the previous month's colors as I had time.  Purple and red are done, and this green one will happen today I think.  I could see orange, aqua, and blue 16-patch units in the bag with the instructions and those will happen during the month those colors are chosen for RSC yet this year.  

The last blocks needed to finish the Rainbow Connections are layed out and ready to add to that quilt top.  I'm still hoping to get the top all assembled by the end of the week.  But I keep getting distracted with other things.  

One last thing that was prepped - cutting the vinyl pieces for the 2 zippered bags that had all the parts cut a couple of weeks ago.  The vinyl is laying out flat and weighed down on a design board to get the "curl" out of it before sewing.  The vinyl comes in rolls, so it really wants to keep that shape.  The bag parts still need to be quilted too.  


  1. A preparation session makes it so (sew?) easy for the next sewing day.

  2. Love the lion fabric: it will make a cute quilt. You’re all set to sit down and sew.

  3. It's always nice to walk into the sewing room and be ready to start stitching. Enjoy!

  4. Love your Ebb Tide plans!!! Great that you won a pattern pack with the blog hop!!!


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