
Friday, May 10, 2024


Spring has finally arrived to stay around here - I think. 

Wednesday morning I saw these lovely tulips blooming along the fence at the old Carnegie Library here in Mitchell.  I was headed inside to a DAR meeting, and just had to stop to take a quick photo.  Good thing I did because we had heavy rain and some hail in the middle of the afternoon.  Those fragile blooms were no longer so pretty.

The Carnegie building is now a resource center for local history.  If you're researching history or genealogy for this locale, this is a great place to go.  Plus the building houses some wonderful exhibits of art and history.  Original art pieces of Native American artist Oscar Howe are located here.  The local historical society and genealogical society meet here, along with a few other organizations.

The Carnegie Libraries across the country are such beautiful example of architecture, and many have been preserved as similar historical resources today.  If you are visiting our community, this is worth a stop.


  1. May seems to be severe weather month this year. Very pretty blooms. The last storm we had took out one of our bushes.

  2. too bad the flowers were ruined in the storm, quite often happens doesn't it

  3. Both your promotion of Mitchell and the speaker I heard a couple of weeks ago make me want to plan a road trip.

  4. We'll definitely look up the Carnegie Library in Mitchell next time we drive through! Nice that the deer didn't get the tulips and the people get to enjoy them!

  5. I have yet to see Tulips anywhere! Nice to see some!


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