
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Shop Hop day

It's bus trip shop hop day today!!  Yay!!  The bus leaves at 7:00 am from Mitchell, with stops in Yankton, SD (Sassy Cats Quilt Shop) and then on to Nebraska.  We'll be visiting shops in Norfolk, West Point, Freemont and Wakefield.  Norfolk and Freemont shops are ones I've visited in the past, but the other 2 are new to me.  

When I'm on a shop hop I like to have a plan for what to look for.  A week or so ago I received a very generous gift from quilting friend Nancy at Wyoming Breezes.  BTW - Nancy is my inspiration for getting our Quilts of Valor group going here.  She sent me 5 Villa Rosa patterns with the sweetest note.  These will all work nicely for QOV, and I'm taking 2 of them with me on the shop hop in case I see just the right patriotic panels.  I actually have 2 of these already, so I'll be passing those along to other gals in our QOV group.  

I also have small fabric swatches (with notes on yardage) along to look for some fabrics to go with them to finish some PIGS and WIPS.    

Also I have 2 small projects with me to hand stitch binding while riding along.  This will help pass the time in between shops.  I cut my sewing time down significantly on Wednesday to go play golf with my husband.  So the only sewing I actually did was attach these 2 bindings.  It was such a beautiful day, in the upper 70s, so golf was good.


  1. Have a wonderful time on the Shop Hop! I hope you can find the perfect fabrics/panels for the QOV quilts.

  2. Enjoy the shop hop. Having a plan is wise, then you aren't as tempted with just getting something.

  3. Have fun!! Nancy is so generous with her time and talent and a real inspiration! She and you are so faithful to Quilts of Valor!


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