
Saturday, September 21, 2024

RSC24 - Week #38

Here we are - Saturday again.  Wow!  This last week has flown by!  I spent a LOT of it in my sewing room, so there is a LOT of progress around here.

Did I get any sewing done with brown/black/grey this past week?  Sure did.  There were 2 shades of brown in the store sample I made for my favorite local quilt shop.  But it's a mystery quilt for an October shop hop, so all I can show you right now is the kit they gave me to use for the sample.  It's all Lori Holt prints.  So cute!  I delivered the finished quilt top to the store on Thursday morning.  Once they hang it up for the shop hop I'll get a picture to share.

The most important RSC sewing that happened this week is the assembly of the Kitty quilt top.  I tried to get an outdoor photo, but the wind just wouldn't let up enough.  This quilt top is 72 x 90, and is bright and happy.  I even got a black and white "cat face" wide backing for it.  Most likely this will end up being donated to Sleep In Heavenly Peace.  

I made one more black Brighten block this week too.  It joins the 35 blocks already made - and made me realize that I'll need plenty more to be a good size.  These are 8" blocks.

I think these will go together slightly offset, rather than lining up the colored bars.  More blocks in a variety of colors will be the plan for these going forward.

And what about the squirrel that showed up recently to distract me?  My reward for finishing the 2 quilt tops this week (Kitty and store sample) was playing with scraps to make 19 Buckeye Beauty blocks.  These will stay on the RSC list going into 2025 because I'll need a lot of these for a whole quilt top.  But aren't they fun?  Black and white for the 4-patches, and lots of colors for those corners.

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge . . .


  1. Hooray for two quilt tops finished and a new start! I love the Buckeye Beauty blocks. They're perfect for the RSC,

  2. I love your kitty quilt. Brighten is also a spectacular quilt. Offset layout works well with the blocks. Buckeye Beauty is a favourite of mine. I have started a kit a long, long time ago. Maybe I should get it out and work on it in 2025 along with you. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Wow you worked fast on the store sample! On your Buckeye Beauty blocks how did you press your HST's since they will have seams to match on the next block?

  4. I've so enjoyed watching the kitty blocks accumulate over the year. The top looks great with some many wonderful fabric choices. Although I will miss seeing new kitties, I know I will enjoy see the Buckeye Beauty block collection accumulate.

  5. The black and white really sets off all the colors in the Buckeye Beauties. Lovely work!

  6. Congrats on getting the store sample done. The kitty quilt is really bright and fun. Your RSC blocks are fun too. Happy stitching this week.

  7. Cute Kitty quilt, but I’m partial to the Buckeye Beauty blocks.

  8. You sure did have a productive week! Woo Hoo! I love the cheerful kitty quilt- how sweet and the Buckeye Beauties are looking fabulous. I am very intrigued by the Brighten blocks. I just adore the design and movement. What a fun post. Have a wonderful evening, Sara

  9. Wow! Look at you sew!!! Those Buckeye Beauties are certainly beautiful. I love the consistency of the dark 4-patches running throughout. Of course those kitties still steal my heart!

  10. Look at you go!! LOVE the kitty quilt - what a fun one. and great progress on your Buckeye Beauties!!


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