
Friday, September 27, 2024

New machine & prepping projects

I've been saving money for quite awhile for a new toy, and this was finally the week to make the big purchase.  My new sewing machine is awesome!  I've not played with any of the fancy stuff yet, but am feeling very comfortable with the basics.  Winding bobbins, threading, exploring the menus on that touch screen - all similar enough to my previous machine that it feels quite familiar. Next week I'll take the time to try out some of the fancier stitches and features.

A lot of prep time this week was spent getting ready for today's Quilt of Valor sew day.  The rolling crate is packed with lots of options.  Block sets, sashing, border strips - 5 different quilt top kits are all ready to go.  Fabric for 2 pieced backings - also ready to go. I'm hoping at least a couple of ladies are able to come sew.  

Time was also spent prepping projects for sewing over the weekend, next week, and next month.  Most of the pieces are cut for the Christmas table runner that I want to make next.  It's another kit, purchased on the Quilt Dakota Shop Hop in August.  Notice I said "most" of the pieces are cut?  This pattern is NOT written in a way that my brain likes.  We all have different learning styles, and I am a very sequential thinker.  So I've been frustrated following this particular pattern.  The pattern pages tell you to label the pieces as you cut, but then don't reference those labels again.  In the middle of Step 1 it tells us to "skip ahead" to Step 6 and check out how to use the scraps.  Then come back to Step 1.  And for some of the fabric in the kit there is a diagram for cutting, but it doesn't tell you the size - you have to guess that based on the sub-cuts referenced later.  But I will get this made!!

Another project that required some prep is the Dutchman's Puzzle that has been part of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year.  The blocks are all done, and I finally made a decision on layout.  I want narrow sashing, so chose 1.5" finished width.  The sashing pieces and cornerstone squares have now all been cut so that I can work on getting the quilt top put together in October.  

Next week, with the beginning of October, there will be new blocks posted for the 2 BOMs I'm working on.  The Tranquility mystery quilt and the Carol Doak Circle of Friends are both usually posted in that first week of the month.   We must be getting close to seeing a final layout for the mystery because there are over 30 blocks already made.  


Tired Teacher said...

I hope you have a good turnout for the sew-in. Wish I lived closer.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Congratulations on your new machine! I bet you will love it!

Vicki in MN said...

I hope your sew day was successful. I like the sashing on the Dutchman Puzzle block.

Barbara said...

Congrats on the new Pfaff. I bought the same machine earlier this year. Haven't done anything but piecing but love it. I don't have the problems I had with my other machines. Will be attaching the first binding this weekend. Applique and fancy stitches will come in time. Love the IDT.

Kate said...

Hope you've been able to enjoy the new machine. Hope you had a successful sew day too.