My paternal grandmother was a quilter and was very talented at embroidery, although she lived in another state 500 miles away, so I can't say I was influenced much by her quilts. I have one small doll quilt she made for me as a gift, and also have some pretty embroidered pillowcases. Wish that I even had some pictures of her quilts!
My maternal grandmother knitted, crocheted, and tatted beautiful lace. She did a little sewing as well, but wasn't into quilting. Three of her 4 daughters also grew up loving fiber art of some type. My mother was the oldest of the girls and she earned her living working in garment factories during WWII, and later did a lot of custom sewing for people as I grew up. In fact, most of my clothes were made by her until I was old enough and accomplished enough to sew my own. She made lots of quilts - but kept them simple and all were tied, not quilted. She didn't like working with intricate patterns.
My first sewing lessons were making doll clothes with needle, thread, and scraps of fabric Mom would let me have from her sewing projects. I was around 6 at the time. But I didn't get to use her sewing machine until I was about 10 - and was pretty proud when I finally reached that goal. I was hooked!
My first real "quilt" interest came from seeing a gorgeous cathedral windows quilt being made by one of my mother's friends. That quilt was all hand stitched, so I watched it progress over a couple of years. It was so pretty and made me hope to own a quilt like it some day. And someday I will.
My first quilting project of my own was a little over 20 years ago and inspired by my sister-in-law Kathy. She is a terrific quilter. She got me started sewing some log cabin blocks for a quilt top she was working on for a friend. That little project led to some making a quilt for myself. And the rest is history . . .
Now - how did you get started quilting?