There is a downside to Angela revealing the new color for July already last weekend on her RSC post. That downside is . . . that I just couldn't resist pulling out the purple drawer to see what I have to play with. And that led to some purple sewing of course. I can't get too carried away this week with purple because then I won't have anything keep me working through July, right?
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Getting a little head start on purple
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Home Sweet Home is a flimsy
Goal #1 for this week was to finish the top for the latest Quilt of Valor - Home Sweet Home.
My goal has been met - Yay!! This kit was the Liberty Box for this year from Fat Quarter Shop, and it went together really nicely. The pattern was well written, and the fabrics are just lovely.
I did save all of the big triangle pieces trimmed from the roof of each house block, and used them to make small Hourglass blocks. There are enough scraps left of all of the fabrics to make more Quilt of Valor blocks, maybe more Hourglass, 4-patch, or possibly even some Bead blocks.
Goal #2 is to attach the binding onto the Wisdom quilt, which is a UFO. Hopefully that will happen sometime today.
Monday, June 27, 2022
Design Wall Monday - Home Sweet Home progress
What is on your design wall this morning?
My design wall has 11 out of 12 blocks for the next Quilt of Valor.
This is Home Sweet Home, made from the contents of this year's Liberty Box from Fat Quarter Shop. I had really good intentions of having this top completely done over the weekend.
However, we were on the road very early Saturday morning to go watch granddaughter Sophia play fastpitch in their league tournament 2 hours away. This is a "10 and under" league. We're glad we went too, because we got to see 2 games. They won the first game by a lot, but lost by 1 in the second game. Sophia is standing in this photo - second from left.
On the way home we stopped at a local dairy business to buy some delicious cheese. They also carry lots of other fun items (food and non-food) made locally, or at least in South Dakota. I came home with SDSU ice cream too. One of the important programs at my alma mater is the Dairy Science program, and they make the BEST ice cream. Little known fact - cookies and cream ice cream flavor was developed by the SDSU dairy science program. The Dairy Bar on campus has always sold their ice creams, but now it can also be found around the state in some stores. It's also sold at all home basketball games.
Sunday sewing was pretty productive, with getting all but 1 of the QOV blocks done. I will admit however, that I also began to look ahead to the July RSC color which is purple. I pulled these purple batiks from the stash to use in the Nanci's Stars blocks for July. I didn't make any blue ones in June because those were actually the first blocks I made from this pattern. I've been making 3 blocks each month, usually with one of the colors being a constant in all 3.
And I pulled purples to use in the Falling in Love (heart) blocks, and for an elephant or two.
One more thing I accomplished on Sunday was to get the binding cut, sewn, and pressed for the Wisdom quilt. My goal for today is to finish that LAST block for Home Sweet Home, and then to sew that binding onto the Wisdom quilt so I can work on hand stitching it down this week.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
A whole rainbow this week - plus a review of blue
This month I've spent a lot of time distracted by new projects instead of trying to finish existing ones, but I've really enjoyed the journey. So it's all good, right?
And then there were the Home Sweet Home blocks for a Quilt of Valor . . . I have 9 of the 12 made so far, and the last 3 have complete roofs at least. It shouldn't take long to assemble the house sections since the pieces are cut and organized on a design board.
Friday, June 24, 2022
New leader-ender blocks
I needed something to use as leaders and enders while sewing the latest Quilt of Valor blocks and other on-going projects, and found the perfect thing this week. Bricks!
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Home Sweet Home beginnings
First I have to show you the amazing sky from Tuesday evening on the return from granddaughter Sophia's softball game. Even seeing it through the windshield full of bugs couldn't spoil those stunning colors. And yes - I did take the picture while driving. But this is South Dakota - there wasn't another car within miles of me at the time!
Home Sweet Home - definitely a fun distraction for the week.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Rearranged - and improved
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Kaleidoscope - I have a plan
I have a plan for Kaleidoscope!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Design Wall Monday - Saturday Sampler
Sunday, June 19, 2022
A possible squirrel
It’s possible that another squirrel has crossed my path.
One of the items in the mail this past week was the Liberty Box from Fat Quarter Shop. It was a special subscription type box that they offered recently, and I figured whatever was in it would be an option for a future Quilt of Valor - so I ordered it. And I was correct - perfect for a Quilt of Valor.
The pattern is Home Sweet Home, and the fat quarter bundle will be just perfect for those house blocks. I can justify working on this instead of a UFO because there is plenty of blue in here (RSC color).
My stash contained an excellent piece for the background of the house blocks. And once the blocks are done I'll go shopping for a grey for that sashing. So, a squirrel . . . but a squirrel with purpose.
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Continuing with blue
Bright blue really popped out as I finished up the 8 kaleidoscope blocks yesterday. I bought this laser cut kit because the butterfly fabric really caught my eye. As I assembled the blocks, the brilliant jewel colors certainly made me happy, especially that bright blue.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Back home again
We got home yesterday evening from our Nashville trip. It's always good to get home and sleep in your own bed. I worked on Monday and Tuesday at the booth in the Exhibit Hall, and with a heat index well over 100 on Wednesday (free day) we ended up doing nothing but hang out in the hotel. We didn't plan far enough in advance to get tickets to an Opry show or some of the indoor activities I checked, and it was just too hot and humid for some of the outdoor things. I'll plan better for the next trip.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
A little hand stitching
You know what they say about “best laid plans” . . .
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Time out
This is my life the next couple of days. It’s hot and humid outside, and like a deep freeze in this Exhibit Hall. A happy medium would be good.
Monday, June 13, 2022
Design Wall Monday - a Kaleidoscope
Another PIG has come out of a drawer. This one is a Kaleidoscope, and was a very small kit I purchased a while back. See that little bag with the black triangles? The whole kit came inside that 4" x 6" bag along with an index card with a link to the online instructions.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Dark blue
Friday, June 10, 2022
More churn dash blocks
It was so nice to have a good share of Thursday morning to spend in my sewing room. There are now 4 more churn dash blocks made - 2 for the guild baby quilt block drive, and 2 for my own set of blocks.
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Money well spent
I should have taken some before pictures of my dirty windows for a before/after comparison. A 3-person crew of window washers came on Wednesday morning, and my windows all sparkle. Yay! It took them 4 hours to do all of the windows - inside and out. They vacuumed every window sill, and scrubbed every screen. That was money very well spent as I just can't do a ladder anymore. And my husband is back to more work travel so he wasn't going to have time.
I can see the little birds even better at the feeder outside my office window. Now, if only the sun would shine again. I won't complain about the rain we've gotten because we really needed it, but a little sunshine would brighten the day.
I did spend about half an hour on Wednesday in my sewing room after work. It was budget update day, so most of the day was spent at my desk. That isn't enough time to accomplish much, but I did get half of one Checkered Star block sewn. This is a very low contrast bunch of colors, but might make a good baby quilt if I ever manage to finish it.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Ideas just keep percolating
Lately my brain just won't shut off.