Reflecting on my rainbow sewing for 2022 has brought me a lot of satisfaction. Some 2022 projects are totally done, and some of them will continue into 2023 in order to have enough blocks for a quilt, or because I just didn't get the blocks set into a top yet. But progress is progress.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
RSC for 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Prepping some projects
Since I've been choosing some priority projects for 2023, a little bit of organizing and prep work made some sense. I didn't make any bags in 2022, but I did have fabrics sorted out for some that just didn't get made. I had the outer fabrics for 3 of the Sew Together bags quilted, but never went any further with those bags.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Another Quilt of Valor presentation
I know I’ve said it before, but I have so say this again. Being involved with the Quilts of Valor program is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in recent years.
The gentleman seated was supposed to receive his quilt on Veteran’s Day, but was ill so his presentation was postponed until he was feeling better. That day arrived this week. He is a Purple Heart recipient from the Korean War. The other 3 gentlemen are previous QOV recipients who came to the presentation to honor him, and they each brought their quilts with them. The state American Legion president attended, as well as the current Veteran’s Service Officer for our region.
One of the men standing told me that he has instructed his family that his quilt must be displayed at his funeral, and then kept in the family. He really treasures the quilt he received from us last year.
I am humbled.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Windmills - the last finish of 2022
First I have to share a picture of our Christmas Eve visitor. This young buck stood outside our family room, and watched us watching him. Off to the right were 2 more, a doe with this spring's fawn.
We live right in town, but our backyard looks out onto a valley that makes for a perfect "highway" for wildlife passing through. Plus we have no dogs to chase them away. I just don't get tired of watching the deer and turkeys, or the birds at my feeders.
The final finish for 2022 is this child size Windmill quilt. It will be a donation quilt. This block is charm square friendly, but can be done in any size square. You just need 2 squares of each color for a block, stack them right sides up, cut them on a diagonal - and square up the 4 sections after sewing.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Design Wall Monday - Dec. 26
The final Monday of 2022 is here. And it's UFO list making time! Do you make lists? I'm a list maker for everything - tasks needing completion for work, stops I need to make when running errands, grocery lists, and more. Lists make me look organized, even if I'm not really very organized. LOL
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Scrappy Bricks & more
Merry Christmas Eve!!
When the weather is this cold, and the snow is blowing, then it's a perfect time to spend most of the day in my sewing room where I could stay toasty warm and have some fun.
This was a fun Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt - partly because it's so cheerful, but also because the finished blocks were a fun discovery. A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that there were over 60 of these Bricks blocks in the project box just waiting to become a quilt.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Nearly caught up and making do
My final version of this block is the 3" one with the black background. The pieces are cut, and laying on my design board. But I decided it was time to put away some things and also to work on my project lists for 2023. Plus there were gingersnap cookies waiting to be baked upstairs.
It's difficult to see what's going on here, but I'm trying hard to "make do" with my Ott Light floor lamp, until I can find a replacement. This lamp shines onto my cutting table, where it's critical to have enough light. Without it, there isn't enough light in that area to even see marks on a ruler. My sewing room has lots of space, but horrible lighting.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
UPDATE: wind chill is -47, with actual temps of -18 this Thursday morning!! Brrrrr!
No sewing for me yesterday.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Ready for Christmas
Although we aren't celebrating our family Christmas until New Years Day this year, I'm mostly ready for the holiday. We're hosting again this year so it's extra fun to make sure the house is decorated. I just don't get quite so carried away as I did in past years.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Design Wall Monday - Dec. 19
It was an interesting weekend, with the highlight being a Quilt of Valor presentation. I always feel so honored to be involved in these presentations but it's extra special when the quilt goes to a friend.
A couple more mug rugs were finished, with 2 more just needing to be bound. These have been fun to sew, and they make good little gifts.
Lots of binding was handstitched down on this bright Windmill quilt while watching football on Saturday. My Jackrabbits beat Montana State on Saturday to earn a trip to Frisco Texas for the national championship game. And before that I watched the crazy Vikings game where they came back to win after being down 33-0 at halftime. The crazier that game got, the faster I was stitching. One side left to go and this quilt will be a finish for 2022.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
One final scrappy finish for 2022
This Windmill quilt will be the last scrappy finish for the year. Binding will begin today.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Scrappy mug rugs
First of all I need to wish a Happy Birthday to daughter #2 today. 39 years ago she was born between blizzards. And it seemed we were snowed in most of that winter.
Friday, December 16, 2022
Snow day fun
Thursday was definitely a SNOW DAY. Tuesday it rained all day, and felt more like April outside. Wednesday morning it changed to snow, but it was wet and sticky snow. Wednesday night the cold and wind moved in, along with more snow. And most of Thursday we were in a Winter Storm Warning. I've lived in the upper Midwest my whole life, so this is just normal winter, right? And we desperately need any moisture we get, so no complaints from me.
I really had to laugh because my husband shoveled a path on the back deck so he could refill 2 of the bird feeders. But before he could get back out there with the seed bricks, the squirrels were exploring the path. He greases the pole so it makes it harder for them to empty those feeders. One big squirrel has figured out how to leap from the railing and hang upside down. But the rest just hang out on the deck and on the ground to clean up what the birds push out. So entertaining to watch the birds - and the squirrels. Our kitchen bay window looks out on this deck so we do a lot of bird watching.
Late on Wednesday afternoon I finished binding the Hello Birdie quilt. I just adore the bird blocks, so I know I'll make more of them. There is a purple batik one (tucked in with my pattern) that was my practice block when the pattern first came out. So maybe the next ones need to be all bright batiks.
As a teacher for decades, I'm not a stranger to being home on snow days. My husband always teased me that the only time I actually baked was when I was snowed in with the kids and didn't have school. I still feel the urge to bake during a blizzard. Since Christmas is coming I just couldn't resist making some spritz cookies this week. And then they had to go into the freezer so we didn't eat them all before the kids and grandkids come on New Years day.
The other baked item was Rosemary Spiced Nuts. They are a big favorite around here. Any kind of nuts you like will work, but I tend to stick to cashews, peanuts, almonds, and pistachios. They are baked with a spice and olive oil mixture. What's not to like about rosemary, garlic, cayenne pepper, salt, and Italian seasoning? The recipe is one I found on Pinterest.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Butterfly Garden
All 4 versions of block #7 of Sewcialites turned out quite cute. This block is called Butterfly Garden.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Sewing while it rains
I baked a batch of cookies, got about 2/3 of my Christmas cards ready to mail, got a haircut and manicure, scanned a bunch of old photos, and managed just a little bit of sewing the past couple of days. The winter storm hitting this region has mostly produced rain and ice here, but today we expect that to change to snow.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Sewcialites and mini clips
The small red and white blocks are most likely going to be used with the house block that was part of a UFO just hanging out in my sewing room. The final layout won't be figured out until I have all of the Sewcialites blocks done. But it's fun to play with ideas as we work on these.
Now I need to get the other versions of this butterfly block made before the next one comes out later this week. I sure don't want to fall behind.