
Friday, December 31, 2010

A WINNER announced

Good morning and Happy New Years Eve!  We are tucked in snug at home for the second day of a winter storm that is expected to last into Saturday morning at least.  As long as the power stays on I'm a happy camper to be snowed in for a couple of quiet days.

I've used the random number generator to select a winner from all of the lovely posts on my blog.  And the winner is . . .
If Linda will email me with her mailing address, this Central Park cham pack will be in the mail on Monday morning.  You'll find my email address on my blog profile.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

And in the meantime I'm working on my list of UFO's that need to be tackled in 2011.  I plan to post that list tomorrow.  And I'm already working on the binding of one of the items on that UFO list.  By this afternoon I hope to have finished binding my "Hip Holiday" wall hanging and maybe I will have started working on another UFO item.


Unknown said...

Congratulations to Linda!
I have started making my UFO list for this year and I'm not sure I'll have time for any other NEW projects.LOL


Linda in Arkansas said...

Sara, this was so sweet of you to offer this charm pack - I totally love it! Thank you so much. And I totally love your blog! Prim2Pink -Oh I will make time for this for charm pack because they are totally my colors!!

en construccion said...

Your blog is very nice! ... Follower I do! ...'m Writing from Argentina, I have fourteen years ... I love your work!
You in my blog
Greetings. Camila.