
Monday, June 24, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 24

This weekend I didn't expect to get any sewing done, what with all the water issues, etc.  But we have been fortunate and were able to stop the water seeping in, clean it up, and our new sump pump is keeping up.  It was kicking in about every 2 minutes on Saturday morning, and by evening was every 6 minutes.  With each day it is slowing down more, which is really good.

It felt like any sewing that happened over the weekend needed to be relatively mindless, but colorful.  There are 2 of these little shoebox sized bins (top of photo) with 2.5" squares cut from scraps.  I pulled them out to hunt for some more variety of neutrals for another large  strawberry block.  That led to making little piles on the ironing board with additional greens, pinks, corals, reds - you get the picture.

By late afternoon on Sunday I had made another 20 Chaser blocks, and paired up with the ones already hanging up . . . this is what happened.

Once I do a little rearranging on these blocks, I'll be ready to sew these into a kid sized quilt top.  That will be my first priority project this week.

Once the Chaser blocks were done, I added a couple more rows of HSTs to this project that was in a bag on the end of the ironing board.  Each of the HSTs is 2.5" square, so it's easy to keep track of what size this is getting to be.  I have no idea what this will eventually end up being, but you know I can't throw away those trimmed off triangles.  This is what happens to the red and blue ones trimmed from QOV blocks.  

 And yes, I did get the big strawberry block all sewn together, along with another small one.  So my second project for this week is figuring out how to lay out these blocks for the bed runner I'm planning with them.  

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday . . .

and with Monday Musings . . .


Vicki in MN said...

You ended up with a lot of sewing over the weekend! I love your chaser blocks, bright and fun. The black really makes the colors pop.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have seen the weather for out in your area and that sure is mess - glad you aren't getting the flooding that is to the south of you. I never think of area as having trouble with flooding for some reason. Very colorful chaser blocks!

Bonnie said...

Wow, I wish I didn't get any sewing done like you did. You really got a lot of stitching done. I might have to copy your kid-sized quilt idea. I cut 2" and 2.5" squares all the time. I've been using them for kids' quilts but the quilts generally need some light neutrals. I love the idea of the dark strips. That might be a great project to work on at retreat if I can sort the colors out and pre cut the darker strips. Thanks for the idea and I hope you think copying is the sincerest form of flattery!

Nann said...

Glad the sump pump is working! Sunshine here today. The chaser blocks caught my eye -- so colorful!!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The Chaser blocks make a striking and colorful quilt.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your chaser blocks are really pretty and make a great design! And so do those HSTs - I love what you can do with them. Glad the water issues are under control, but so sorry you had to deal with them at all!

cityquilter grace said...

love the chaser blocks...the black really makes the colors pop

Far Side of Fifty said...

Interesting design with thered white and blue!

Kate said...

So glad the sump pump was the worst of you problems over the weekend. The weather this year has just been completely nutty. The Chaser blocks make a really fun kids quilt and your RW&B HSTs are going together well. For not expecting to get much done, you did pretty well.