
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mid-week progress

The 42 main blocks made from the Shibori Blues layer cake have all been sewn into rows, and 3 of the rows have been sewn together so far.

Rows 4-7 still need to be pressed and added to the first 3.  Each block is simply a 10" layer cake square with a white corner added.  Hopefully I'll get this much assembled yet today.

In between the Shibori blocks, I made 2 of the Strawberry blocks for the upcoming guild bus trip.  However - looking at the photo as I write this post, the big block looks like the strawberry is sitting on a stick.  I'm surprised I didn't notice it when I had the rows all layed out before sewing.  That center bottom "neutral" square is a bit too dark, so I may replace it.  Picking out the seams around that little 2.5" square won't be a big deal.  


Kate said...

You've made really good progress on Shibori Blues. Thankfully, the correction on the strawberry won't take lone. I always wonder why didn't I see those kinds of problems before I sew the block together.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The strawberries are adorable!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Or a rotten end:)