
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

To Do Tuesday

As always, there are multiple projects on my To Do list happening all at the same time. 

A very important task on that To Do list was to get new cushions for my front porch chairs.  I've been looking locally and online and just never could find what I thought I wanted.  But Monday I tagged along to Menards with my husband on an errand . . . and bought these.  It's a huge improvement over the old faded solid red ones.  I think they look quite summery and nice.

Row 1 of Shibori Blues is all sewn together, and the other 6 rows are pinned into sets and ready to go.  This may be my primary project this week, but in between I have a couple of other things ready to sew as well.  When I get bored with Shibori, I'll just work on something else for awhile.

Last month while reorganizing some fabric and dealing with scraps, I cut the black and white parts for several more Night Vision blocks.  Each month I've been making 3 with the RSC color, so this month will be blue.  I have one block begun using a lighter blue, and the pieces are cut for a brighter/darker shade of blue.  Also, when I did the pink ones, I had cut one piece that was too "peachy" and so now there are 4 peach/coral pieces cut.  I need to find 4 more blue chunks for my third blue block, but haven't decided yet if I want to stick with those lighter shades or go darker.  

As a leader/ender this week I'll work on making a couple more of the strawberry blocks.  I need at least 3 more for my bed runner, but also want to make at least 1 for the guild bus trip in just over a week.  Maybe I'll get lucky and win a whole bunch of strawberry blocks on that bus trip.   

These 3 projects should keep me busy all week - in between more paper shredding for work.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your chairs do look summery - I have the same old cushions for about 4 years now and they are getting old and faded, I do need some new ones for sure

Kate said...

Sometimes waiting works out, you found some very pretty cushions for those chairs. You've got some fun projects in the works. Enjoy playing with all those blues.

Nann said...

The floral cushions are just right! Have fun sewing today.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Lovely cushions for your chairs. In May, I purchased two rockers for my small patio. I love sitting outside in the summer.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice cushions! You are busy shredding paper is a task!

Vicki in MN said...

Your porch looks spiffy with the new cushions. Where all is the bus stopping, day trip or overnighter?