
Friday, July 12, 2024

Odds & Ends

 Thursday was annual physical day for me.  That meant I had to be at the clinic at 8:30 am for a blood draw and then go back mid-afternoon for my actual appointment.  Do you find that when you set the alarm to get up even slightly earlier than usual that you then wake up WAY earlier?  I was wide awake at 5:30 am, but couldn't have my coffee or breakfast because my labs needed to be "fasting".  

We've been inundated with mosquitoes this month, probably because we've had so much rain.  Growing up in Minnesota I always heard the jokes about the mosquito being the state bird of Minnesota.  Well, it sure seems like lately our SD mosquitoes could earn that title too.  My husband was determined on Sunday to get the lawn mowed.  So even though it was hot outside he put on a jacket, long pants, golf gloves, and his hat - hoping to avoid too many bites.  He said he would have put a net over his face if he could have found one. 

I have 5 of the 12 blocks finished for Tranquility clue #2 mystery quilt.  There's no rush since we won't see clue #3 until August.  

And I have only 1 side left to hand stitch a binding down on a quilt I've been working on in the evenings while watching Shark Week programs.  


Vicki in MN said...

Yes the mosquitos have been bad while we pick our raspberries. The other night we had long sleeves, long pants,and our nets. We bought some from Amazon a couple years ago, some are just nets and some are nets with the hat attached. They work!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I bought some cheap nets that go over the top of a hat and over the head a couple years ago when I had some bad tiny bugs at the garden - the only place they bother me at and the bites were horrible. I could spray with Deep Woods Off and it did nothing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I wear clothing just like your husband when I go out to mow but I add safety glasses instead of sunglasses even our hats are similar!

Kate said...

The biting bugs have been bad this summer. They seem to like my ankles when I'm wearing capris. Hope your guy's efforts worked out for him.