
Monday, February 10, 2025

Design Wall Monday - February 10

A fresh new week, and some new priorities are popping up.

On Saturday we got our first month's instructions for Saturday Sampler.  This year we're doing a row quilt designed by Mariah of Knight On the Prairie.  She is a new young pattern designer who also works at the local quilt shop.  I'm excited about this new Saturday Sampler program because it will be very different from anything we've done before.  This month's row will use 3 colors to make 15 small chevron shapes, and the whole pattern is based on stranded knitting designs.  I'm hoping to have the pieces all cut in the next day or so.

I still have the parts for 4 little coin purses waiting on a design board to be sewn.  The board also contains several more of the red/white/blue Buckeye Beauty block parts.  My goal is to get this design board emptied by the end of the week.  We'll see how that plan goes.

The next prompt for the Stay At Home Round Robin comes out this morning, and I still don't have last week's prompt added.  However, I do have a plan for last week in my mind.  I'm hoping this next prompt will "play nicely" with my plan. 

There are also some blue Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks in the works.

On the hand-stitching front I'll be working on a couple of binding, starting with a kid sized quilt that is on my UFO list.  It's a Laurel Burch panel and I used a Villa Rosa pattern called October Sky.  

And there is a doll quilt that is ready to bind.  My plan is to finish at least one doll quilt each month this year.  


Bonnie said...

Lots of plans in the works. Nice collection of cut blocks and purses. That will make it nice to get to work on them rather than having to still pick colors and cut. Hope you have a productive week.

Vicki in MN said...

Oh I am sure you will get your board all cleared off and pick the next week's projects.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Pretty maroon fabric, center front! So much going on, Sara!!! I'll be interested in seeing your new sampler when it's done, coin purses, SAHRR, RSC!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

interesting pineapple blocks

Anonymous said...

ooh! I love the idea "based on knitting designs" of course. So creative.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice projects! Some little girl will love the horses on the doll quilt!

Tired Teacher said...

The new BOM sounds interesting.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

You have some great projects in the works. Your new BOM sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!