I'm not sure I can remember the last time I actually stood in line for anything for an hour. But I did it on Thursday afternoon at Joann Fabrics. Just to buy a couple of pillow forms. Yikes!
I wasn't really expecting the crazy Going Out of Business crowd already - boy was I wrong! When I walked in there were 3 cashiers up front and just a few ladies in line to check out. By the time I found the pillow forms I wanted and got in line - that line was halfway to the back of the store. After about 10 minutes I texted Dave (waiting in the truck) to be patient because the line was long, but that was just the beginning. Over 30 minutes later I finally turned the corner with the line, and realized they were down to only 2 cashiers. And ahead of me, almost to the cashier counter was my oldest daughter with a big box of yarn. How funny!!
We chatted a bit until it was her turn, and then she went out and visited with her dad in the parking lot while I was still in line. When I was within 4 people of finally getting checked out - one of the 2 cashiers left, and now there was only 1 poor gal handling all these people. By this time the line was nearly to the back of the store. But I was amazed that no one was rude or disrespectful. Most everyone in line was talking to the people around them.
Needless to say, we didn't get to Austad's with the golf club, but we did get to Brookings in time for the basketball game. We'll be back in Sioux Falls next week so he can drop off his golf club, and I will avoid getting anywhere near Joann's unless I have a couple of hours to spend standing in line.
I stopped at my JoAnn's last week, the stuff wasn't marked down very low so I didn't purchase anything. They only had 1 cashier checking out but the store wasn't busy at all. The shelves were full of stuff. The sign on the front window said everything was 20 - 30% off but the fabrics were only 20%. When I was there 2 weeks ago the fabrics were 40% off. What I thought was really interesting was the sign on the front door that said Now HIRING!
I've not been happy with JoAnn's customer service for a while, but reducing cashiers during a closing sale makes no sense at all. Glad you got what you wanted.
we have 2 stores near me meaning within 15 miles but alas no car so i didn't get to either...wanted to score some flannel...everything online shows out of stock...
A friend back home went in to ours and said the line was wrapped around and it was nuts! If I was near a JoAnns I would most likely go and stock up, although according to what I hear prices are higher than what their sales usually are!
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