
Monday, August 19, 2024

Design Wall Monday - Aug 19

This will be an unusual week, with very little sewing time beginning mid-week - other than some handwork.  But I may get to visit a quilt shop or two or three while on a mini vacation with my husband.  I'm tagging along while he plays in a golf tournament.  I can play in the practice round with him, but the other days I'm hoping to connect with some friends.  And check out some quilt shops. 

I did manage to get the 16-patch churn dash quilt top assembled that I was working on last week, including an outer border.  It was getting ready to rain yesterday when I took it outside for a picture.  I'll try to remember to show the whole thing later in the week. 

Some of the handwork I plan to do is to finish the President's blocks for guild.  I'm doing both mine and my sister-in-law's blocks.  Applique isn't her favorite thing so I volunteered to make hers.  LOL  Once they're embellished, we'll sign them and turn them in to be presented to last year's guild president.  I'll have other handwork with me too - mostly binding and a small project to hand quilt.  

Since I'll only have today and tomorrow with access to my sewing machine, I decided to deviate from my August To Do list, and try to finish more blocks for a project that I started earlier in the summer and then set aside.  This Hunter's Star is using a couple of batik layer cakes plus a black for the star points.

Since all I had done before was cut a bunch of the pieces from the batik layer cake squares, this project was in danger of getting lost in the chaos that is my sewing room most of the time.  I really need to develop more discipline toward starting things and then setting them aside.  So yesterday I started sewing the blocks together.  There are 24 blocks so far, and lots more ready.  

What's on your design wall this week? 


Kate said...

Hand work is such a nice change when we are traveling. Your Hunter's Star project is so pretty, love all those bright colors. I'm getting better about finishing what I start, retirement has a lot to do with that I think. But it is hard to stick with the old when there are so many fun new projects just begging for attention. Enjoy your mini vacation.

Bonnie said...

Love the Hunter's Star blocks. The colors really pop. Hopefully you have a great time on the mini vacation and visit lots of great quilt shops. Have fun!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Enjoy your mini vacation! Safe travels

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your 16 patch churn dashes looks great! I like the blocks set on point. The Hunter's Star blocks are so pretty with the black stars against the bright batiks. Enjoy your weekend getaway! We have one coming up this Friday, too, and I'm really looking forward to it!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

If you're going to the Twin Cities make sure you visit Quilt Cove--she's retiring and everything is 20% off! Love your hunter's star blocks!!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I like the Hunters Star!