Blue - like a summer sky - and bright colors! The hand applique is done on my Good Ole Summertime mini quilt. Next step is the hand quilting.
It's always fun to work on a project that you know has a home already. And I hope to have this one in the mail by the end of next week to the mystery recipient.
Imagine my surprise when I was contacted by Ailsa at http://nettc.blogspot.com/ to say I had won her giveaway! She lives in Cheshire - in the United Kingdom. I found her blog as I was checking out the participants in the recent Spring Blooms Mini Quilt Swap.
My package arrived in the mail yesterday and I couldn't wait to open it. She sent 2 lovely fat quarters of Laurel Burch fabric and this fabulous counted cross stitch pin cushion. I needed a new pincusion and I love counted cross stitch. And I'm a big fan of the late Laurel Burch's designs.
So - - - I'm definitely a winner!! Thank you Ailsa!
There were several fun things in that box, and I can't wait to put them to use. The Halloween block with the witches legs and feet - the bobbin tree - the darling covered buttons - the fabric featuring ways to hide my stash.