Thank you to Sandie at
http://crazyboutquilts.blogspot.com/ for honoring me with the Versatile Blogger Award last week. I had to give this a LOT of thought over the past few days before I could blog my response. This was hard work!
There are 4 rules for this award, and I'm afraid I'm going to break one of them a little. So I will apologize in advance.
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself on the post.
3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers that you think deserve it.
4. Lastly, contact all of those bloggers you've picked for the award.
So here are the 7 things about me . . .
1. I grew up as an only child in a small town in Minnesota. No other kids to distract me parents, so they had plenty of time to keep an eye on me. I hated being an only child!!!
2. This is my 28th year in education. I've been a high school teacher, district technology coordinator, and now work with staff development for a regional agency.
3. I used to do a lot of drawing as a creative outlet. I really liked working with inks. But quilting has taken over completely and I haven't done any drawing in at least 15 years.
4. I have 2 married daughters that I'm very proud of. They have brought into our family: terrific sons-in-law, one grandson, and another baby on the way in the spring.
5. I love to travel, but don't get to do it often enough. Maybe in about 7-8 years when I retire. I hope!
6. Reading is my other way to relax and escape stress. Currently I'm on a mystery kick, but love lots of different kinds of fiction. Not a big fan of non-fiction - I think I read too many professional books in my job.
7. My paternal grandmother quilted, but I only have a doll quilt from her. My mother, her mother, her sisters, my daughters, and several of my female cousins all enjoy fiber arts in some way: knitting, crocheting, sewing garments or home dec, quilting, scrapbooking, tatting, cross stitch, etc. I think my maternal grandmother started that love for fiber.
And - finally the bloggers I wish to nominate for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is the rule I'm going to break (SORRY), but I just can't decide on that many who have not already been nominated. The other thing is that I follow quite a few blogs that are really built around a business they run or charitable program and I just don't feel right asking them to do this. You can always check the blog listing on the right side to see more "award-worthy" blogs.
So - here are just 5 of my faves!