Monday, November 23, 2009
Red shoes & roller derby

Thursday, November 12, 2009
I Need Help With Borders

Should I just put a medium blue solid border all around? A white border all around? Seems a little boring.
Borders at just the top and bottom with dark framing? Add some snowflake applique to these borders?
I'm looking for some ideas that will make this quilt really pop. I have plenty of fabric left to play with - so . . . anyone have any suggestions for me?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Frosty Blocks Are Ready

My frosty blocks are all done - 48 of them - and ready to be sewn together. The last 4 got done this afternoon. Then I laid them out on my living room floor because my design wall isn't big enough for them all.
Besides, this way I could look at them with a critical eye every time I walked through the room. After rearranging them a few times, I pinned them into stacks by row. I'm so tempted to take them down to my basement sewing room right now and start working.
Hopefully tomorrow evening I can get the rows sewn together. The 2 borders are cut and ready. I'm hoping to have the top done in time to take it to Show 'n Tell at Saturday Sampler this weekend.
What do you think? Should I put a fuzzy, cuddley backing on it or not?
Christmas Raffle Quilt

Just a quick post. It is all done except for a label on the back! My photo isn't the best, but it does show all of the blocks made by the 12 different gals working on this project.
It will go on display in about a week (after the City Council approves the raffle) in a local shop and raffle tickets will be sold. The plan is to draw the winner right before Christmas and the money is going to a local breast cancer foundation.
Everyone involved feels proud to make a small contribution to cause close to our hearts.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Indian Summer - in November?
Had lunch with my oldest daughter and then both of us went to visit my mother-in-law in her assisted living apartment. My MIL had asked me to take her to a 4:00 doctor appointment, so we spent most of the afternoon visiting before going to the appointment. We even got her to go outside and sit on the patio to enjoy the beautiful weather. I think the sunshine and fresh air were enjoyable for her. I know they were for me. And I know my MIL enjoyed having her granddaughter there this afternoon.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Handwork is relaxing
Once the binding on this quilt is done, I'll pass it along so someone else will put a label on it. But I'll try to remember to snap a photo before I give it up. We really want this quilt ready to go by this next week. Since it's a Christmas quilt it will be good to display it for interested "ticket buyers" as long as possible before the actual holiday.
This makes me want to get my set of blocks put together too. But I've promised myself that I won't start another quilt top until my frosty quilt is put together. Promises are hard to keep sometimes.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday quilting