Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I had to decide what needed the most attention this week and my sewing room did not become a priority. On Sunday I did manage to sew on the binding for my Year to Crow About quilt, and now the little clips are holding a section ready to hand stitch. And then my week was consumed by work and getting ready for Thanksgiving. I love the quilting and hope to work on it a little over this holiday weekend . . . when I'm not playing with a grandbaby. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Hoping this will be one of my projects for this weekend, now that I'm home again. I have 16 more star blocks to make for the Mystery Quilt. And I picked up my Year to Crow About from the quilter today, so I can bind that too. HMMM - what to start with?
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Airport art
This cowboy boot is in the Cheyenne WY airport. Now I have been sitting in the Denver airport for about 5 hours. I hate delays and am ready to be home again.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Snowman runner is done
I finished the binding on this table runner on Sunday before leaving for the airport for a work related trip. It's nice to check off another UFO. This runner is made from a fat quarter set purchased a couple of years ago. I fell in love with the cute snowmen on the focus fabric. It's quilted in icy blue in a snowflake pattern all over. No sewing take place this week as I am in Cheyenne, Wyoming for a work project. And since there may be snow when I get home I guess this runner was finished just in time.

Monday, November 18, 2013
A pink and brown finish
I finished binding this quilt back in early October and was able to check it off my UFO list, but I kept forgetting to post a photo of the whole quilt. This one I'm keeping because I really love the colors and the blocks. This was a Saturday Sampler from a couple of years ago. Why does it always take me so long to finish them?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Another UFO getting attention.
Binding another UFO. This one is a winter-themed table topper with snowflakes quilted into it. That will only leave 2 large quilts remaining to bind from the pile I had accumulated.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Flying Geese Pinwheels . . . it's a flimsy!
I am so happy that I've finally gotten this top done. This is an old, old UFO that had been hidden in the bottom of a drawer in my sewing room. There were 4 blocks done and the others were cut out and ready to piece. And I had bought enough fabric to make this huge. So the top is now done and measures about 66" square, which is much smaller than the original plan. The binding is made out of leftover blue, and I still had enough yellow to make a backing. I'm thinking about donating it all (unquilted) to a good cause. Any good ideas of where it can go?
And I had lots of supervisory help from my assistant the past couple of evenings.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
9 patch cornerstones
I made the last 7 cornerstones for the sashing of the blue and yellow UFO. And I made binding from the same blue and cut the narrow inner border I plan to use. There is maybe a half yard of the blue fabric left. Lots of yellow left yet so I can make the outer border fairly wide. I'll figure that width out when I get the rest of the top together. Another step closer to checking off this UFO.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Just a peek . . .
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
On my design wall
My design wall (floor) . . . showing some progress this weekend on this old, old, old UFO. Maybe next weekend I'll have the top done. This is looking better than I thought it would. I think it needs a narrow blue border and a wider yellow border to finish it off. And 7 more 9-patch cornerstones.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Mama Kass
This is Mama Kass, and she is the small quilt I bid on - and won - in a silent auction yesterday. The Sioux Falls Quilter's Guild had their annual quilt show this weekend and I attended with a couple of friends. I love silent auctions and when I saw this little quilt made by a talented SFQG member, I just knew I had to bid on it. The label on the back told me the name of the quilt is Mama Kass. Isn't the quilting beautiful, along with the applique? I just love it.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Cathedral Windows pillow
This is another old UFO - probably about 10 years old. I wanted to try the technique, but knew I would not do a whole quilt using the technique. So I made my small section into a pillow. I had used a Christmasy batik, so now I have a new pillow for the holidays to go onto my new sofa that should arrive by then. Check it off my UFO list.
Friday, November 8, 2013
UFO on the design wall
This might just be my oldest UFO - by several years. I found it this summer, buried in a drawer and finished the last of the blocks this week. So now it's on my design wall and getting sashing and 9 patch cornerstones. Right now the plan is to make this using 9 blocks, but I do have plenty of the fabrics so I could make it bigger. We'll see . . . right now I'm just thinking it needs to be finished up.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Wintery weather
This was the view today when I came home from work. Guess it is officially winter, even if my maple tree hasn't shed all of its leaves yet.
Monday, November 4, 2013
60 degree Thanksgiving runners
Another thing that I did on Saturday at our guild sewing day was to stitch up these 2 Thanksgiving-themed 60 degree runners. I want to get at least ONE of them quilted by Thanksgiving Day. Both of these came from the same 1.5 yards of a border print. It had 2 strips of each of the prints in the width.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
It's a flimsy
The pieced border became a reality yesterday - and my Summer Mystery Quilt is finally a flimsy. Now I need to find something appropriate for a backing. Those blocks do make this quilt look totally different than it did with just the plain border. And it's bigger, so that is a bonus.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
November goals
Time to be realistic about these goals. October was not a productive month for sewing, but I'm excited to tackle some projects again.
- Fall Mystery Quilt (month #2 steps)
- Summer Mystery Quilt (finish pieced border)
- Year to Crow About (find backing & deliver to quilter)
- clean my sewing room!!
- mail baby quilt to my nephew & wife
- bind pink/brown Saturday Sampler UFO
- Thanksgiving 60 degree table runner (NewFO)
Anything else I accomplish will be a bonus, right?
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