Christmas is in the books for 2024. We got together with the kids and grandkids on Saturday in Sioux Falls at our older daughter's house.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
December 31 odds and ends
Monday, December 30, 2024
Design Wall Monday - December 30
Suddenly it's the LAST Monday of the year. Are you ready for a new year? I certainly am looking forward to 2025. Not that 2024 was bad, but a clean calendar always makes me optimistic about what might be in the next 12 months.
I'm participating again in a couple of UFO challenges, including the APQ UFO Challenge. They used to post a project sheet to fill out, and then draw a number each month, posting in the Facebook group. But last year they quit drawing a number for the month, so it's up to us to choose.
I have my list made with 3 project slots per month. One is a high priority UFO (asterisk) that is also on my PHD (Projects Half Done) list for the local quilt shop. There is also a second UFO option and a PIG, which is basically something purchased but not started. So - here are my 3 projects for January 2025. And yes, of course I'll be working on other things too.
The Batik Hunter's Star is close. I just need a few more blocks and then finish assembling the top. I even have a backing all ready for it. Originally I thought I had a completed flimsy, but as I looked at it more it appears too long and narrow. So a few more blocks will allow me to fix that.
The Hemingway pouch/bag is the first PIG selected. I purchased the pattern, zippers, and the pink floral. The brighter pink is the lining. Then I bought the purples to make a second one, or two. That is overly ambitious thinking on my part. So - pink will come first as pink is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for January.
The guild swap star is a small quilt, kind of large doll quilt size, so it shouldn't be taking me 3 years to hand quilt. Even as slow as I am. That's what happens when I keep setting it aside for months at a time. It's definitely time to finish it up.
This week I really hope to get the last 4 blocks made for Saturday Sampler. I hope to finish the blue/white snowflake mini quilt today or tomorrow. There is another doll quilt to finish. And I have 2 quilts to prep binding for. All in all there is plenty to keep me busy as always.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
RSC24 - Week #52
Well, we've successfully counted down to Number 52! I'm excited to begin a new countdown with #1 for 2025. A whole new year of possibilities, rights? Thank you so much to Angela for hosting this fun challenge.
A few days ago I wanted to do some easy, fast, mindless sewing and ended up playing with the blue, yellow, and teal scraps to make these triangle blocks. So naturally when I heard pink was our January color, 2 pink ones joined them yesterday. My plan for these is to make vertical columns using the triangle blocks and alternate them with something colorful.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Quiet Christmas
We haven't celebrated Christmas with the family yet, so it has been pretty quiet around here the past few days. We're looking forward to gathering with the family on Saturday.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Design Wall Monday - December 23
Saturday, December 21, 2024
RSC24 - Week #51
EDIT: I'm headed to watch my granddaughter wrestle, so as soon as I post this I'll be in the car headed east. It will be a "no sew" day. And that's OK.
There is a really big closet in my sewing room, not a walk-in but it's about 8' long. That makes for lots and lots of room for fabric storage. And hanging on the rod above are all of the block sets and flimsies that are part of on-going projects.
* Night Vision - nearing enough for a small quilt
These Diamond Tile blocks (another Bonnie Hunter pattern) have been hanging in the closet for a long time. The plan had been using them to make a baby or child size quilt. Looking back in my records, 2020 was the last time I made any. It's definitely time to use these in SOMETHING.
Ditto with these - called Plaid. I think these came from one of the Lori Holt books. There is a pretty good sized stack of these blocks, almost all made with novelty prints for the bigger squares.
And speaking of novelty prints - there are lots of them in the stash that certainly could provide enough blocks to make a baby quilt. Our guild did baby quilts a couple of years ago using solids plus novelty prints in Churn Dash blocks. Of course that means I collected solids and novelties. And I love Churn Dash blocks. So many possibilities!!!!
Plus - I'm already "on the hunt" for some amazing NEW scrappy blocks to add to the mix for the new year. I have a couple of things in mind, such as more string blocks. I tested out a couple of string triangles using my tri-recs rulers. These are 5" square unfinished, and really could be a mix of "crumbs" and strings. Any new ways to reduce the small scraps in my world would help, right?
Friday, December 20, 2024
Tranquility is a flimsy
Yikes! This is the biggest quilt I've made in recent memory. It's 92" square, and I didn't have any good spots in the upstairs to lay it out for a picture. The wind is howling outside, and I was too lazy to hobble downstairs to look for a spot. At least now I know the approximate dimensions of my entryway.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The Nantucket bag
One of the small project kits that was on my To Do list for this month was a bag.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Tranquility border #2
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
A little of this and that
Monday, December 16, 2024
Design Wall Monday - December 16
I managed to finish up the 6th paper pieced block in Circle of Friends. It's really nice that there is just one block each month. I've kept up with this one easily.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Progress is small
It's been a busy few days again, with card playing Wednesday afternoon, college basketball Wednesday evening, a concert Friday evening, Saturday Sampler and Sew Vintage yesterday, and sewing in small increments in between.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
RSC24 - Week #50
Friday, December 13, 2024
Circle of Friends block #6
Each month Carol Doak releases a new block on Facebook for the paper pieced Circle of Friends sew-along. Each block has the same wedge shape at the outer corners, but the rest of each block is unique. There will be 12 blocks total.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Progress on Tranquility
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Sewing and un-sewing
It sure felt good to get into the sewing room again for some stitching time after a fun few days of family activities.