
Monday, February 3, 2025

Design Wall Monday - February 3

Saturday turned out to be a non-sewing day.  I attended the monthly quilt guild meeting in the morning where the Show n Tell was amazing.  As always!  Guild was followed by grocery shopping and my list was long.  In the afternoon I ended up working on a puzzle while the laundry was running instead of going downstairs to sew.  

But . . . I did lay out the Twinkler blocks.  And I also discovered that the extra 2 blocks I sewed last week to bring the total to 30 - not needed because I already had 30.  There were 2 of them in the bottom of the project box, hiding out.  So, now there are 2 orphan blocks.  Sigh!  The final block arrangement needs a bit of tweaking but I plan to start sewing blocks together into rows today.  This will be the first of several blue UFO projects I plan to work on to meet some Rainbow Scrap Challenge goals I've set.

The third block in the Riley Blake challenge is Roses Among the Thorns, by Jennifer Long.  I ended up leaving out the stem and thorn, and adding those corner triangles.  It just seemed like too much white.  The next block will come out on Tuesday. 

The February block for Circle of Friends was released as well, so I'll be doing a little paper piecing this week.  I don't plan to follow the pattern color choices, but haven't decided yet what colors I do want to use in each spot.

A new prompt will come out today for the Stay At Home Round Robin.  My SAHRR project saw some changes last week, and now I like it much better. The HST prompt became grass below the pineapples.  I originally had 2 big yellow Snowball blocks above the little pineapple, and removed one. The remaining yellow Snowball became the sun with some little appliqued triangles.  Can't wait to see what this week brings. 

Blue is the RSC color for February, so that means I'll add some blocks for a new Quilt of Valor that I've been planning.  So far, I've made 10 Buckeye Beauty blocks from the QOV "leftover bin" currently taking up way too much space.  More are cut out, and I've made a little stack of fabric options for more of them.  At guild on Saturday I was handed a big bag of lovely donation fabrics for QOV.  I need to sew faster!!

There will be other things showing up this week in the sewing room I'm sure, but these need to be my main focus.  It's more than enough to keep me busy.

I'm linking up today with:


Bonnie said...

ARGH! I have made too many blocks for the same reason. Drives me crazy! The twinkler blocks look terrific. Your SAHRR looks like a lot of fun. Looks like you are keeping up with a lot of projects. Have a productive week!

Tired Teacher said...

Love the Twinkler blocks and your QOV blocks - both sets will make gorgeous quilts.

Vicki in MN said...

You could add more twinklers and have yourself a table runner, or use them for a start of a RWB QOV quilt;) Always fun to work with RWB and you do a great job on the QOV's.

Nann said...

You could piece the two twinklers into the back. The Circle of Friends block looks challenging! I like the addition to your SAHRR.

Kim said...

I really like the Twinkler blocks. I'm sure you'll find a good use for the extras. Also, your colorful pineapples make me smile.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your QOV blocks look great, so many pretty projects!

Kate said...

It's so hard to keep up with block counts. You've got some great projects in the works.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

The stars look great--what about slipping the two extra blocks into the backing? I love doing this as I hate having orphan blocks, and having a little "extra" on the back is always fun. Love that pineapple too!!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Love the Buckeye Beauty blocks and I agree with Cheree, I'd add those extra's to the backing. It looks really cool IMHO. Your twinkler blocks are beautiful and the Riley Black challenge block is gorgeous. I really love what you did with the HST prompts in your SAHRR. Looking good! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!