The Twister Witches Hat quilt on the front door welcomes all of the Trick or Treaters to my house. This was a scrappy project I did a few years ago. It all came from the scrap bins, including the border print at the top and bottom. It's quilted with glow in the dark thread and has a fun spider web design.
There are several 60 degree table runners in my house - for virtually every season. This one is a favorite because I just love the witches feet and crazy stockings.
The light up jack o lanterns and the bucket of fall leaves is currently sitting in my entry way, but I may move it onto the front porch later this afternoon and put it right next to the front door. How do you all decorate for Halloween?
I used to go kind of crazy with Halloween (and Christmas) and decorate the whole house, but I've pared it down considerably in recent years.
And most years I dressed up in costume at school even though I taught in a high school. It was fun to dress up for the day and the high school kids seemed to get a kick out of it. Our little community had a huge costume party every year for adults as a fund raiser for things like kids' summer programs with prizes for best costumes and even best groups. My sister-in-law and I always got a bit carried away with costumes. We won prizes several years. Eventually I had a whole trunk full of great costumes: Care Bears, Fruit of the Loom guys, gorillas, and many many more. It was great fun - except for the time I scared a couple of little kids when I answered the door in a scary witches costume. I gave them extra candy. Happy Halloween!!
I’m lazy! The only season I decorate for is Christmas and that’s just a few lights and a tree.
I don't decorate for Halloween unless you call burning a pumpkin-scented candle a decoration. 😉
I am lazy too, I hang a couple of flags outside and put something on my wreath by the door. Love your hat wall hanging! :)
I did not know this about you, Sara! Scary witch? Bwaaahaaaaa . .
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