I've really enjoyed making each of the 10 blocks for this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Squared Away. Check out these 2 blogs for more information including the block tutorials: http://superscrappy.blogspot.com/p/rsc18.html and http://academicquilter.blogspot.com/p/squared-away-bom.html . These 2 ladies have done a great job on this project this year, even offering different sizes of blocks to choose from.
Block 9, called Queen Charlotte's Crown (from the 1930s), is the last set I needed to make to complete my 30 blocks. Somehow I forgot to make these in September. The color for September was dark blue, and my first block was from a really rich looking dark blue. But then I got sidetracked - by teal. It's not like there weren't plenty of dark blue scraps to choose from, but both of these teal fabrics just spoke to me. So I used them. This afternoon after work I plan to lay the 30 blocks out on my floor and figure out how I want this quilt to look.
This is a wonderful block to use for your RSC18. That teal is talking to me also, hahaha. So is RSC - maybe I can to it next year with you.
Gorgeous blocks! Looking forward to seeing all of your blocks together.
You have inspired me-2019 here I come!
Love your rainbow blocks!
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