
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Mid-week progress

You knew this would happen . . . the rainbow pineapple in 2 sizes.

I cut a lot of scraps into squares and rectangles in the sizes I use the most.  However, I don't seem to use them up as fast as they accumulate in the small bins.  There are LOTS of 2.5", 3.5", 5" - and 1.5" squares collected from scraps.  And I also cut rectangles - 3.5" x 6.5" bricks and more recently 2.5" x 4.5".  Other than the background white in these 2 blocks all of the squares came from the containers of squares.  The little block used 1.5" and the big one used 2.5".  The process was just like the strawberries I made over the summer and the cats too.

They are fun little addictions distractions, and I keep seeing things like this - on blogs and Pinterest.  You know how it is, once you click on one, then you keep seeing more.

I'm alternating making new blocks this week, with sewing existing block sets into 2-sies or 4-sies.  Makes me feel like I'm keeping the momentum going on some WIPs but still playing with new projects.  A few of the blue and white Twinkler blocks are done now.  More are cut and ready to sew.

The next sets of 4 Hunter's Star blocks have also been in the mix. That orange batik is one of the new ones I just bought because there was only 1 other set of orange blocks in the stack for this project.  


Vicki in MN said...

Oh my how cute the little pineapple is! Nice work on those blue blocks too.

cityquilter grace said...

very cute blocks...tis true the more you work with these pieces the more ideas you get...i avoid pinterest but i am on instagram where cross stitch ideas are overwhelming...

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

your little projects are SO cute!! and yes - quite addicting!!!

Tired Teacher said...

Fun blocks! It’s satisfying to use the bits in scrap bins.