Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thank You to ALL Who Serve

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Design Wall Monday

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Needle Turn Applique

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Focus on Frolic

Today I spent about 6 hours in my sewing room and finished up a quilt top - as well as worked on a couple of other smaller things.
This quilt is made from the Frolic line of fabrics from Moda. I just love Moda; this particular fabric feels so silky smooth and was a dream to sew. The center was made out of "turnovers" paired up with an antique beige that looks a little like tea-dyed. I used an off-set layout just to give it a different look.
I'm thinking about putting a cuddly backing on this, like Minkee. The binding is the same dark brown as the inner border. Ready to quilt this one!
The other things that I worked on included making 2 more blocks for an upcoming block exchange. I now have 6 of the 13 done. Maybe I'll get a couple more done tomorrow. We are getting together on June 15 to exchange them.
And I made Disappearing 9 Patch blocks using some gorgeous fabric that I got as a birthday gift. I'll show those off once they are assembled into a quilt top.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What's on My Design Wall?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
This old quilt
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Another new acronym
AA ADD = Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
It is a perfect explanation for my actions lately. Those who work with me know that I'm pretty task oriented. I prefer working on JUST ONE task until I have it done right. I do have to multi-task a lot, but that isn't my preferred style of work. I tend to be very sequential - including being a list-maker.
However, in my little sewing world, I've always been quite random. I have lots of UFO's and usually have about 3 projects going at once. And it is getting worse, because lately I seem to start and stop numerous projects, and can't seem to get motivated to finish any of them. So now I realize that I can blame it on my AGE!!
I wonder if there is a medication for that? Somehow I doubt that the Bloody Mary I had at the retirement party will help.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Happy Mother's Day to ME!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Cats on quilts
See http://catsonquilts.com/ for Sammy's story.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Random sewing
I finished another block for a block exchange. 4 finished and 9 to go before June 15. No problem. This block exchange is using a fun turquoise floral as the focus fabric and 12 of us are making blocks to exchange with each other. A 13th one will go to make a donation quilt for a scholarship fund.

I've been playing around with my EQ6 software and figured out how to make a block that I saw some weeks ago on a blog. Of course, I don't remember where I saw it now. But the block is kind of a sunburst pattern. I've picked out some batiks from my stash to use. So far I have only 1 done - in this aqua batik.

And finally I finished 2 more 8.5 inch blocks using selvages on the diagonal. Then I put the 4 of them together. Not sure yet what future life this will have. This size would work nicely for one side of a bag. or it might be a great start on a quilt top.