
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Another squirrel

 Yes - I promise that I'm still working diligently on the store sample project.  I have the blocks all done, and the border parts are cut out.  So I'm hopeful of getting it done before the deadline next week.  However . . . there is a squirrel teasing me this week as well.  SIDE NOTE:  Thankfully I have a backup sewing machine, because my main machine has begun making that awful squeaking noise again.  

Last weekend I made 4 Jewel Box blocks to send off for a donation block drive.  Making these was a great reminder of how much I love these blocks.  They are quick and very easy to make.  For the block drive the request was black and white for the 4-patches and purple/blue/green for the HSTs.  

And if you reverse the layout (HSTs pointing OUT) these blocks become Buckeye Beauty.  I'm blaming Alycia because her post was the inspiration for making these for Rainbow Scrap Challenge going forward.  Because I've been finishing up some block sets for RSC the past couple of month, I've been looking for new blocks to replace them.  I think the Buckeye Beauty is definitely going on that list.  

There is a whole shoebox size bin full of colorful 5" squares that will be perfect for making the HSTs, and I always have lots of black and white around.  It's good to have a plan.  And it's wonderful to have made so many blogging friends that I can gather inspiration from whenever needed. 


Gretchen Weaver said...

Those squirrels are hard to keep out of the sewing room! This is a great project to add to the RSC list, happy stitching!

Tired Teacher said...

The bright fabric looks fantastic with the black and white: they make nice blocks.

cityquilter grace said...

very nice blocks....use up those languishing precut pieces too...

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I do love that Jewel Box block and made one when it was such a quilt fad in the 1990's!

Vicki in MN said...

Haha, another squirrel comes to visit Sara! Aren't you glad you let him in because those jewel box blocks are really pretty.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I really like the Buckeye Beauty lay out.. Nice work!