Yesterday was a long-anticipated date for my husband. It was season ticket selection day for Jackrabbit basketball at South Dakota State University.
With the total remodel of the arena on campus it was also time for seat re-allocation for all season ticket holders. And season ticket holders were required (with some exceptions) to appear in person - at your assigned date and time - to talk through with a staff "tour guide" to select seats. September 11 at 6:50 PM in our case. Available seats had a big yellow tag on them, with the section, row, and seat identified. You can see lots of yellow tags yet in the sections above us. Once you selected your seats the staff tour guide took the tags to the check out desk to verify selection. And we paid the remaining amount due. We got the tags to take with us.

See that yellow tag on the seats way across the arena? Our seats are next to that. We are directly across the floor from our seats the last 2 years. Above us are the suites and press areas. And in the concourse behind us will be the SDSU ice cream concession area - which excites my husband in particular. Did you know that cookies 'n cream flavor was developed at SDSU decades ago? The dairy science program is famous for its ice cream. I was always happy when I had a class on that side of campus so I could stop into the dairy store and get ice cream.
It was fun to tour the remodeled arena and see how beautiful it will be once it's finished in a couple of weeks. We were freshmen at SDSU when the old arena opened, middle of the basketball season. We were both at that first game in Frost Arena, although not together. And we were there for the last game in Frost last spring. The newly remodeled arena is now First Bank & Trust Arena. The long concourse just inside the new entrance has an amazing wall of memorabilia staged in among large squares of the old wood floor. Bleacher wood has been used as trim above concession stands and other spots.
This morning I'm headed to a local elementary school with the DAR group to talk to 3rd-4th graders about the Constitution. Should be fun!!!
oh a school visit....i bet it was terrific!
Looks like good seats! I bet you will enjoy them!
Having to come in person would be hard for some schools, I guess you have to really want season tickets!
You guys are superfans! I'm sure the alumni association appreciates you, too.
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