
Thursday, January 30, 2025

SAHRR and January in review

 I thought there would be no sewing time yesterday or today. But I got home earlier than expected from the gathering of former coworkers, and realized I had 2 hours all to myself.  I went right to the sewing room to put my new Stay At Home Round Robin ideas into play.

On Tuesday I had some riding in the car time and had a brain storm about the Snowball blocks from week 1 and the HSTs from this week.  It took less than 5 minutes to remove the second Snowball block (above small pineapple) and turn the remaining one into the sun.  I cut the little triangles and appliqued them on.  The one on the far right is just pinned, until something is added onto that side in a future prompt.  The HSTs were a quick add to the bottom to look like grass, along with a leftover binding strip.  Voila!  A much more fun result than I started with.  

Now, looking back at January . . . I had made a short list at the beginning, and did very well in addressing those goals.  Better yet, there has been a lot of fun with all the pink mixed in with my other projects.  A couple of things were not checked off, but I'm confident those will get their turn in the near future.  And I also did several projects that were not on the list.

A couple big important items that can be checked off involved binding.  The biggest thing I can check off is binding the Scrappy Kitties quilt.  It's a big one, made with blocks done for the 2024 Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  It's a large twin size.

The backing is a black and white cat print that I ordered with this quilt in mind when I began making the blocks.  It's a cute backing.

Most of the things are checked off for January . . .

* Finish final 4 blocks for 2024 Saturday Sampler - Flimsy DONE
* Choose fabrics for new 2025 Saturday Sampler - DONE
* Choose fabrics for RBD Challenge - YES & 2 blocks DONE
* Make January paper pieced block for Circle of Friends - DONE
* Make extra blocks for batik Hunter's Star
* Finish hand quilting Guild Swap Stars - DONE
* Finish binding Star of Wonder (Christmas wall hanging) - DONE
* Bind Scrappy Kitties quilt - DONE
* Blanket stitch pink Cat applique block
* make lots of scrappy pink blocks for RSC - YES I DID!! 


Kate said...

You had an excellent January! Love the changes you made to your SAHRR, it's very fun. Hopefully February is just as good.

Ramona said...

I love the change to your round robin. You've had a very productive month of January!

Nann said...

Oooh! Sunshine and greenery. Excellent ideas. (And a stroke of genius to keep that triangle loose awaiting the next round.) I don't know if I'd seen the scrappy kitties but they turned into a great quilt!

Tired Teacher said...

I love the addition of the sun and grass!

Far Side of Fifty said...

The sun and the grass look great...very cheerful! I also like the backing of the cat quilt! Well done!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your SAHRR is adorable, Sara! I love the sun in the corner and the HST grass at the bottom. The kitty quilt turned out wonderfully - that backing is so perfect!

Vicki in MN said...

You did really well in January. Your pineapples really came to live with the addition of the sun and grass, good job!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Very colorful SAHRR! I love the addition/change of sunshine and grass!!!

piecefulwendy said...

The addition of the sun in your SAHRR quilt is a great idea! That cat quilt is cute!

LA Paylor said...

clever pinwheel addition! Love all the color and the sun