
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Small finishes

Today is the day - I'll be heading out shortly for the heart ablation procedure.  It's outpatient, which is nice.  But I must admit I'm very nervous.  Since I'm not sewing today I thought I'd show you a couple of finishes from last week that I saved to share this week.

The binding was finished on Star of Wonder just in time to take to guild on Saturday morning for Show and Tell.  This was a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop last fall, but the fabric all came from the "Christmas drawer" in my stash. 

The little doll quilt was a finish right before New Year, but there was left over sailboat fabric tucked in with the doll quilt flimsy when I pulled it out.  In order to NOT put more blue into the blue scrap bin, I made the 12" churn dash block that will get added to the baby quilt pile.  Then I made 2 mug rugs with the sailboats fussy cut in the middle.  One single 3.5" square remained of the sailboat print and that went into the bin with those squares.  


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohh Prayers and good thoughts winging your way!!!!
Nice finishes!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

all well be well with you - everyone gets nervous before procedures. You will be back home before you know it.

Tired Teacher said...

Praying that all goes well today and that the ablation solves the issue.

Vicki in MN said...

Often times the waiting to get procedures done are way worse than the actual procedure. Hope all turned out okay and you are back home resting.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I pray that all goes well for you today!

Astrid said...

Hope all went well, Sara. Thinking about you. Pretty star quilt and so is the doll quilt and mug rugs too.

Kate said...

Hope all went well with the procedure and you'll have minimual recovery time. Your Star of Wonder turned out beautifully. It has a very 3 D look to it.